Genocide in Rwanda

By Druid
  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
    The rest of the world should know this event because this is why Africa is seen on a map as it is. Without this event the genocide would not have even happened.
  • Period: to

    The Rwanda Genocide

  • Belgium controls Rwanda

    Belgium controls Rwanda
  • Rwanda gains independence

    The world should know of this event because it marks the time where Rwanda is now under no control. This leads to the civil war.
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    This event leads to the genocide of the Tutsi people because this separates them into different sides of a war.
  • Genocide

    This event is important because it is one of the key major events in where most of the Tutsi population was killed.
  • RPF ends the genocide

    RPF ends the genocide
    This event is important because it marks the period ending the genocide of the Tutsi people and ending the civil war between the two ethnic groups.
  • War crime trials begin

    This event leads to the Gacaca courts being set up seeing as how they will need more than one court for later uses.
  • Apology from President Clinton

    Apology from President Clinton
    This event is important because a man of almost absolute power and an organization of even more power (Optionally) actually apologized for not stopping the civil war in Rwanda, and shows that they can recognize when they mess up or fail to acknowledge some problems.
  • 26 Defendants executed

  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Gacaca courts to be set up