Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
    If Germany controls Rwanda, then regions would have to share land and most want their own land.
  • Period: to

    Genocide in Rwanda

  • Belgium gains control of Rwanda

    Belgium gains control of Rwanda
    Belgium controling Rwanda will lead to genocide, because then if one ethnic group kills their president, war rages out.
  • Rwanda gains Independence

    Rwanda gains Independence
    Rwanda gaining Independence will lead to civil war, because then the germans will hold them under a govermental power.
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    Civil war will cause the Hutu and Tutsis to start a fight for killing the Hutu president.
  • Genocide

    800,000 people died in 100 days due to the Tutsi's attack.
  • RPF ends the genocide

    RPF ends the genocide
    They take control of the government and have superior power.
  • War Crimes trials begin

    War Crimes trials begin
    Some courts ran in Tanzania by the UN call for trials against the people in the Tutsi group.
  • Apology from President Cliton

    They call a meeting and make a speech for stopping the genocide in Rwanda.
  • 26 defendants executed

    War Crimes among the Rwanda goverment and then they outlaw death penalties.
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Guilties are given lighter sentences after confirmed guilty.