Genocide in Rwanda

By 2132412
  • Period: to

    When this occured

  • Germany Controls Rwanda

    In 1885 there was a cinference to divide up Africa between the Europeans. The land was split up into different sections according to who was in charge of that part of Africa. Germany got Rwanda.
  • Belgium Gains Control of Rwanda

    In 1919 the Germans had already lost World War 1. Belgium took over control of Rwanda.Belgium's control of Rwanda ended in 1962.
  • Rwanda Gains Independence

    Rwanda had been controlled by Germany and Belgium but in 1062 they gained their independence. Rwanda was declared republic and forced it's monarch into exile. They maintained peace for the most part for over thirty years.
  • Civil War Begins

    The people pf Rwanda started to turn against each other. The Hutus were in charge of Rwanda and the Tutsi were starting to gain control of Rwanda. This was what led to the genocide.
  • Genocide

    Many people were dying in Rwanda. Over one hundred days 800,000 people died. This genocide started when the Hutus president was murdered when his plane was shot down from the sky.
  • RPF Ends the Genoide

    After three months the fighting was ended by the RPF. RPF stands for Rwanda Patriotic Front. The RPF ended up taking control over the government.
  • Apology From President Clinton

    Later after the war was finished people apologized to Rwanda. President Clinton and the UN apologized for not being more involved in the war. If they had interferred they could've ended the war faster.
  • 26 Defendants Executed

    26 Defendants Executed
    The genocide has been over for four years and now they are taking action against people who betrayed them. Defendants are executed in Rwanda for crimes against their government. Rwanda later outlaws the death enalty.