Flag of rwanda.svg

Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
    Berlin conference divides up Africa between European countries.
    This conference lead to the segragation between the groups within Rwanda, the Hutus and Tutsis. Leading one group to beleive themselfs to be superior than the other.
  • Period: to

    Genocide in Rwanda

  • belguim gains control of Rwanda

    belguim gains control of Rwanda
    belguim gains control of Rwanda after germany loses ww1
  • Rwanda gians independence

    Rwanda gians independence
    Rwanada is now free from colonilism
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    Hutu and the RPF or tutsi's break out in a war between each other due to the killing of the president
  • Genocide

    800,000 people die in 100 days. This is important pecause within only 100 days, about three months, 800,000 people died with no help. It was a large span of killings within a very short time.
  • RPF takes control of goverment

    RPF takes control of goverment
  • war crime trials begin

    war crime trials begin
    Some courts run in Tanzania by the Un; other courts in Rwanda
  • Apology from president clinton

    Apology from president clinton
    Clinton gives an apology for not stopping the war or helping rwanda out
  • 26 defendants executed

    26 defendants executed
    For war crimes by the Rwanda government; Rwanda later outlaws the death penalty.
    The rest of the world should know about this because it shows Rwanda changing for the better, only after executing those involved war crimes. This shows harsh enviornment from Rwanda Government, and showing no mercy to those who damaged it.
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Gacaca courts to be set up
    100,000 people in jail waiting trial for genocide,. The Rwandan government encourage these trials to be very brief, and guilty are given lighter sentences after they confess. This event is important because it shows the end of the engocide, witha consquence for those in jail for genocide. They give lighter sentences to those in the gacaca court as well showing mercy for those who are guilty and confess.