

  • ArmenianGencide

    the geno cide happenedin armenia.From all those who survived were childeren and elderly.300 armenian leaders were killed.Many Armenians had refused to work 95% of them died.1/2million armenians died.
  • Holodomor Genocide

    Holodomor Genocide
    it happend in Urkaine.people died without food.aman named Stalin did the drought to teach independent farmers a lesson. they prevented food to go to the villages. the people had to search for their own food. 25000 people died everyday
  • The holocaust

    The holocaust
    after world war 1 germany had to sign a waver. after the german empire crashed they created the weimar republic. hitler won the election on jan 30 than started the plan for the genocide. the holocaust happenend all over europe.6,000,000 jews died.
  • cambodian genocide

    Cambodia was caught up in 2 wars. Khermer rouge began the movement in 1960.khermer went to civil war with u.s.45 percent of the population died. Cambodia government wanted a ideal communinst model. 2 million people died.
  • Bosnia genocide

    Bosnia genocide
    yugoslav army targeted bonsiak, croatin people for their crimes.Radslav who played a major role in the genocide was senctenced to death.100,000 people died. Many people who remained after war was murdered.
  • Rwandan Genocide

    Rwandan Genocide
    The population in Rwanda Africa was the Hutus and the Tutis.Naturaly in the genocide there was more hutus than tutis. Tutis were accused of killing the president.After the genocide its was hard to find a witness to tell what had occured.800,000 hutus and tutis died.
  • Darfurian genocide

    Darfurian genocide
    First genocide of the 21 century.began 2003.2.7million in camps.Government has not surrended.Arabic milta is called janja people are still in camps.