The Life of Genghis Khan

  • Jan 1, 1162

    Birth of Temujin

    Birth of Temujin
    Genghis Khan was born under the name Temujin in Mongolia around the year 1162 ("Genghis Khan"). "Genghis Khan was originally named "Temujin" after a Tatar chieftain that his father, Yesukhei, had captured ("Genghis Khan")". Temujin was born with a blood clot in his hand, this signified that he would be a great warrior some day (Hull 26). Historians do not know the exact date of birth for Temujin.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1162 to Aug 1, 1227

    Lifetime of Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan lives in the years between 1167 and 1227
  • 1176

    Temujin becomes tribe leader

    Temujin becomes tribe leader
    At age 14, Temujin killed his half-brother to take his place as tribe leader (Hull, 28). When his father was killed after being captured, much of Temujin's tribe left. Temujin stepped into a power struggle with his half brother. In order to prove his strength and claim the role of chief, Temujin had to kill his brother to make him next in line for the role. When Temujin succeeded, he claimed chief and led his people ("Genghis Khan").
  • 1178

    Temujin Marries

    Temujin Marries
    "At 16, Temujin married Borte, cementing the alliance between the Konkirat tribe and his own ("Genghis Khan")". This alliance was one of Temujin's first power gains. The marriage between Temujin and Borte lead to the birth of Temujin's first son.
  • 1178

    Temujin has son at age 16

    Temujin has son at age 16
    At age 16, Temujin's wife Borte was captured by a rival tribe ("Genghis Khan"). Soon after, Temujin rescued her and returned her to his tribe. Borte had returned pregnant and soon after she gave birth to a son. Temujin and Borte named their son Jochi. "Though Borte's captivity with the Konkirat tribe cast doubt on Jochi's birth, Temujin accepted him as his own ("Genghis Khan")". Temujin would go on to have a total of 4 sons with Borte ("Genhis Khan").
  • 1180

    Invention of Fuel Powered Rocket

    Invention of Fuel Powered Rocket
    In 1180, the Chinese created the first "real" rockets to help in battle ("Timeline 1100-1200"). The Chinese used:" solid-propellant rocket. A tube, capped at one end, contained gunpowder. The other end was left open and the tube was attached to a long stick. When the powder was ignited, the rapid burning of the powder produced fire, smoke, and gas that escaped out the open end and produced a thrust ("Benson, Brief History of Rockets") that propelled the tube forward".
  • Sep 18, 1180

    Philip II becomes ruler of France

    Philip II becomes ruler of France
    On September 18th, 1180, Philip II became the ruler of France ("Timeline 1100-1200"). Philip II succeeded his father, Louis VII, as King upon his death ("Pacaut, Philip II"). Philip's rule was met by revolt with the very first action he took, but was able to put it down quickly. He triumphed over the revolt without losing power in France ("Pacaut, Philip II").
  • 1182

    Temujin Builds his Army

    Temujin Builds his Army
    At 20 years old, Temujin increased his army from 20,000 to 80,000 men. He used this army to take down the most powerful tribe in Mongolia, the Naiman tribe ("Genghis Khan"). The defeat of this tribe gave Genghis Khan control over central and eastern Mongolia. Defeated tribe leaders came together and agreed to make Temujin Khan of Mongolia.
  • Feb 21, 1198

    Innocent III becomes Pope

    Innocent III becomes Pope
    Due to the death of the previous Pope, Innocent III became the new Pope ("Pennington, Innocent III"). One of the major things that Innocent III did as Pope was to help name the German emperor at the time, Otto of Brunswick. Innocent also added to the Pope's authority over Rome ("Pennington, Innocent III").
  • 1206

    Temujin becomes "Genghis Khan" leader of Mongols

    Temujin becomes "Genghis Khan" leader of Mongols
    In 1206, all Mongol chiefs came together and decided to make Temujin "Genghis Khan", the eternal Mongol leader (Taylor 30). Genghis Khan was 44 at the time, and had many wives and many children. One of his first moves as Khan was to march west to conquer Europe and Asia.
  • 1215

    Genghis conquers Europe and Asia (13th Century)

    Genghis conquers Europe and Asia (13th Century)
    Throughout the13th century, Genghis Khan fought his way through Europe and Asia conquering anything he came upon. He conquered anywhere from Poland to Hungary to Russia to Persia to Japan to India to China and to Vietnam (Taylor 42). By the time Genghis Khan would die, the Mongol's would have the largest empire by a single country (Hull 34).
  • Oct 19, 1216

    Henry III becomes King of England

    Henry III becomes King of England
    In 1216, at age 9, Henry III becomes King of England ("Timeline 1100-1200"). Despite the fact that he was 9 years old when he officially became King, Henry did not gain full control of the government until he was 27 ("Henry III"). Henry was one of the youngest Kings to ever "rule" a country.
  • 1221

    Genghis Marches West

    Genghis Marches West
    Over the span of 2 days, Genghis Khan marched his army 130 miles into Europe. He planned to conquer as much of Europe as possible (Taylor 46). The great Khan tore apart everything in his path, leaving no survivors and wiping out dynasties in his wake ("Genghis Khan").
  • 1221

    Genghis Defeats Khwarizm Dynasty

    Genghis Defeats Khwarizm Dynasty
    In 1219, Genghis Khan led approximately 200,000 men into China and murdered everyone one, destroyed everything, burning down buildings and plowing through China ("Genghis Khan"). 2 years later, the Khwarizm dynasty was completely wiped out by the wrath of Genghis Khan ("Genghis Khan"). This solidified Genghis' new position as Khan.
  • Jul 14, 1223

    Louis VIII becomes Ruler of France

    Louis VIII becomes Ruler of France
    In 1223, Louis VIII became the King of France ("Timeline 1100-1200"). In the short time when he reigned as king, Louis manages to capture an important fort, Avignon in Vaucluse. He increased royal power in France during his reign as well ("Louis VIII").
  • Nov 8, 1226

    Louis VIII Dies/Loses Power

    Louis VIII Dies/Loses Power
    King Louis VIII of France died at age 39 on November 8th, 1226 ("Timeline 1100-1200"). He reigned for 3 years, but accomplished a lot. He was known for his efforts in ensuring royal power in France reaching cities where royal power lacked influence, capturing a major fort and leading the Albigensian Crusade ("Louis VIII").
  • Aug 1, 1227

    Death of Genghis Khan

    Death of Genghis Khan
    Genghis Khan died sometime in August 1227 for unknown reasons ("Genghis Khan"). Due to the fact that the Mongols did not keep record of births or deaths, historians had to guess and theorize the most likely cause of Genghis Khan's death. One of the most popular theories is that Genghis had a horse accident and died from the wounds ("Genghis Khan"). However, the death of this great Mongol leader did not lead to the downfall of this enormous empire ("Genghis Khan").