General Relativity

By sward1
  • Annus Mirablills

    Einstein published his fabled "Annus Mirablills" in which he published four ground breaking papers on topics that included special relativity.
  • General Relativity Published

    Einstein revolutionized physics when he announced the Theory of General Relativity that explained gravitational attraction as the result of massive objects warping all near by space-time.
  • General Relativity Prediction

    Einstein used general relativity ti predict existence of gravitational waves, ripples, in space space-time when massive bodies interact.
  • New Term To The Equation

    In 1917 Einstein introduced a new term to his equation known as the cosmological constant.
  • Arthur Eddington

    in 1919 Arthur Eddington observed the sun mass being light during a eclipse that was the gravitational lensing effect assumed by Einstein.
  • General Relativity Prediction confirmed

    A solar eclipse confirmed a strange relativity prediction which was that a massive body can redirect the path of traveling starlight
  • A Soultion To Einsteins Equation

    Alexander Friedmann and Georges Lemaitre independently found a solution to Einstein's equation about the uniformly expanding universe.
  • Vera Rubin

    In 1970 Vera Rubin provided very convincing evidence that most galaxies contained dark matters, which was causing them to rotate faster.
  • Steph Hawking

    in 1974 Steph Hawking showed that theoretically that quantum effects can cause black holes evaporate.
  • Russel Hulse and Joseph Taylor

    In 1974 both men discovered a pair of neutron stars whose orbit seemed to slow up as if they were losing energy by omitting gravitational forces.