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From The Rain

  • Period: 474 BCE to 489 BCE


    Scrooge was a necromanger from the lands that are now Martel. He tried to raise an army of undead and to conquer the east. He set up the Spyder Castle as his primary base of operations during the later stages of the Blightwar.
  • 1 BCE

    The Calamity

    A sudden calamity destroys the capital region of the old draconic empire, plunging the world into chaos for the following few centuries.
  • Period: 1 BCE to 213

    Age of Calamity

    A chaotic age of starvation and war following the Calamity.
  • 164

    Foundation of Makeda

  • Period: 208 to 229

    First Alliance Civil War

    Following the end of the Draconic threat on the far continent, the alliance fell into disarray as some sought to disband it, while others wished to keep it in case the dragons return. Ultimately what is now known as the Core Alliance was formed around Piena while most nations went their own way for now.
  • 213


    Though a version of the second draconic empire would operate during the age of Calamity under Jakiro, it was not until 213 that Jakiro finally got crowned and recognized by all as the official Dragon emperor.
    Historians usually put the end of the age of Calamity here, despite it technically being shorter in some regions (eg. Makeda) and longer in others (eg. Martel), due to the overall increased prosperity of the era.
  • Period: 263 to 300

    Martel's Unification Wars

    A series of conflicts the lead the once petty kingdom of Gallia to unify what is now known as the united kingdoms of Martel (named after saint of Ohan who came from the area). Henceforth Martel would control most of the old continents western coast, from the northern reaches, to the Gibbralian Straight.
  • 340

    Foundation of The Nicolean Kingdom

  • Period: 341 to 357

    Nicolean War

    War between the Twin Dragon Empire and The Kingdom of the chromatic dragon, Nicol Bolas. Much of Thurolis and parts of Myraneas were occupied until the Martellese Crusaders lead be Commander De Nor beat back the invaders. The Northern Forest, in which the Lord De Nor lost his life, was renamed in his honor by orders of Emperor Jakiro. Despite being beaten back Nicol Bolas would remain a threat for centuries to come.
  • 357

    Foundation Formed

  • Period: 443 to 476

    Second Alliance Civil War

    Over time the Alliance, left without counterweight to Piena, became increasingly imperialist. As a result it went on an expansion (through military might or clever politics). Eventually this caused the alliance to reincorporate almost the entire far continent, including the nations which fought Piena in the first civil war.
    Those a second civil war was caused along the same fracture lines. However this time division between the opponents of Piena caused the Imperialist faction to win out.
  • Period: 476 to 501

    Tripolar Era

    A Period of time charachterized by the confrontations of the three main great powers in the Pearl Ocean, The Twin Dragon Empire, Makeda and the Holy Blood Sun Alliance. Though direct conflicts are short and few, having not yet escalated due to fear of the Twin Dragon Empire calling another Martellian Crusade, proxy conflicts and confrontations arise for control over the Island kingdoms of the Pearl Ocean, a particular example being the Krakotao Crisis.
  • 486

    Krakotao Crisis

  • 489

    Foundation Expedition To Spyder's Castle

  • 497

    Return of Nicol Bolas

    And destruction of Nehiri's home.
  • 501

    Begin of Campaign