French Revolution 1789 - 1931

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Start of French Revolution

  • Romanticism 1800-1850

    Romanticism 1800-1850
    emphasis on individuality, spontaneity, freedom from rules, love, and worship of nature, reason and devotion to beauty
  • Napoleonic War 1803 - 1815

    a series of major conflicts pitting the French Empire and its allies led Napoleon I.
  • Transcendentalism Literature 1836-1860

    Transcendentalism Literature 1836-1860
    Transcendentalism literary was an idealistic literary and philosophical movement. These texts often discussed the idea of understanding these ideas not as religious beliefs but as a way of understanding life.
  • Realism 1840-1870

    Realism 1840-1870
    A movement that began in the 1940s shortly after the French Revolution in 1948, which dominated literature and art up until the 1970s. Realism was an art form that shows the matter truthfully and avoids artistic conventions or supernatural elements.
  • First Wave Feminism (19th-20th century)

    First Wave Feminism (19th-20th century)
    Women's suffrage - women were fighting for the right to vote.
  • Impressionism 1860-1900

    Impressionism 1860-1900
    an art form characterised by thin, visible brush strokes that captured an object in the way that a person would first view see it at first glance.
  • Naturalism (literature) 1880 - 1930

    Naturalism (literature) 1880 - 1930
    It can be traced right back to the text "The Experimental Novel", composed by Emila Zola. It was a literary movement beginning in the 19th century, similar to literary realism (in its rejection to romanticism). It studied determinism, detachment, scientific objectivism and social commentary.
  • World War 1 (1914-1918)

    World War 1 (1914-1918)
    WW1 was due to existing tensions between countries causing countries to become allies. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers). It was also sparked due to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.