french and indian war

  • french destoryed miami village

    french destoryed miami village
    French destroyed pro-british Miami village
  • the governor of Virginia dispatched the young George Washington

    the governor of Virginia dispatched the young George Washington
    Virginia dispatched George Washington to upper Ohio to warn the French away from the valley.
  • Washington returned

    Washington returned
    Washington returned with troops to seize the region's most strategic point, the Forks of the Ohio at modern Pittsburg, defeated a French and their Indian allies forced his surrender at fort necessity on july 3
  • a minority of residents held their ground

    a minority of residents held their ground
    a minority residents held their ground backed by a chain of small forts tat Washington orginaized
  • John Forbes drove the french away

    John Forbes drove the french away
    John Forbes drove the French away from the Forks of Ohio Indians back under British influence, tough occasional Indian raids into Virginia continued n 1759 and 1760. When Defeats in Europe, India, and the Caribbean in the French To accept a general settlement in17631
  • an uneasy peace settled over the ohio valley

    an uneasy peace settled over the ohio valley
    Finally, in 1764, an uneasy peace settled over the Ohio Valley, though the basic issue of who would control region remained unsettled.