fredrick douglass

  • the song swing low is writen

    in the 19 th century the song swing low sweet chariot was written by what historians believed to be a slave named walas willies this song was designed to help slaves as they made there way northward, slave songs were desighned to make their masters feel that theire slaves were content but in reality they were desighned to help slaves ecscape
  • Fredrick Douglas's childhood

    Fredricks childhood was like most other slave children where they ate little and they were given little to no clothing though Douglass later went to live in Baltimore
  • 30,000 copies of Fredrick Douglass are published

    by 1850 the narrative life of Fredrick Douglass hit 30,000 copies after just 5 years being a great accomplishment for the time
  • harriet tubman's first tri south

    though no exact date was given it was likely that this famous underground railroad agent's first trip was in 1850, she was able to successfully save her niece from being sold off and helped them with moving to the north. though Harriet helped many people escaped slavery she couldn't have don it with out the help of the underground railroad, and no it is not an underground train but a large network of safe houses and paths run by abolitionists dedicated to getting slave to the north.
  • fugitive slave act is passed

    on september 18 1850 the runaway slave act was passed, allowing bounty hunters to take runaway slaves back to the southern states. one location slave hunters would look for slaves in the north was new York, causing the city to become a point where slaves would go and then head out for neighboring cities,.
  • first state secedes from the union

    over the course of 1 year 7 states seceded from the union after the emancipation proclamation.
  • civial war begins

    on april 12 1861 southern troops at fort Charleston fired on the neighboring fort Sumter after their refusal to surrender
  • battle of getysberg

    a battle where southern general Robert e. lee attempted to pressure the north into surrender by cutting them off from supplies. they were latter met by union forces at the small town of Gettysburg where his forces attempted to take the town with a siege. the battle would end in southern failure after a month of fighting.
  • emansipation proclimation

    on September 22 1862 president Abraham Lincoln gave the executive order known as the emancipation proclamation outlawing slavery, though their were still slaves in the south as far as the union was concerned they were free citizens
  • American civil war ends

    on may 9 of 1865 1865 as the union troops were able to end the civil war as the confederate army was surrounded, after their surrender the confederate states fell