FOT 1B Amber C

  • The Pantelegraph

    The Pantelegraph
    the patelegraph Abbe Giovanna Caselli invented the very first Pantelegraph.This was the very first machine that could transport a still image over wires.
  • The first real idea of a television

    The first real idea of a television
    the selenium camera A man named George Carey was thinking about real television system. He put foward his idea of a selenium camera. He said this would allow people to see through electricity.
  • Nipkow disk

    Nipkow disk
    Nipkow Disk Paul Nipkow designed the very first television scanning device. He descovered televisions scanning priniciple, in which light intesities of a small portion of an image are successively analyzed and transmitted. The Nipkow disk is a rotating disk that has holes in it which allow light to pass through, creating a rectangular electrical signal
  • cathode ray tubes

    cathode ray tubes
    cathode ray tubeBesides television sets, cathode ray tubes are also used in computer monitors, automated teller machines, video game machines, video cameras, oscilloscopes and and form of radar displays. The very first cathode ray tube scanning device was invented by Karl Ferdinand Braun. He ivented the cathode ray tube with a fluerecent screen known as the cathode ray oscilloscope. The screen would provide a visible light when struck by a beam of electrons.
  • First mechanical television system

    First mechanical television system
    30 rod imageA man named John Baird created the very first actual mechanical television system. He used arrays of transparent rods to transmit images for television. This image was a 30 lined image that created a blured image of reflected light through the rods.This was the first demonstration of television.Baird based his idea off of paul nipkows Nipkow Disk. The image you see is what the image looks like from the rod
  • iconoscope

    iconoscopeZworykin also invented the iconoscope which is a tube for television transmission used in the first cameras.this came before the kinescope was invented, so this was his first idea. The iconoscope was later replaced but it laid the foundations for early television cameras.
  • Radiovision

    RadiovisionCharles Jenkins invented a mechanical television system called radiovision and claimed it to have transmitted the earliest moving images on June 14, 1923. Charles Jenkins publicly performed his first television broadcast, from Anacosta, Virginia to Washington in June, 1925. He had been researching mechanical television since1894.
  • dissector tube.

    dissector tube.
    dissector tube Philo Farnsworth was the first inventor to transmit a television image comprised of 60 horizontal lines rather than 30. The image transmitted was a dollar sign. Farnsworth developed the dissector tube, the basis of all current electronic televisions.
  • The very first television company

    Jenkins Television IndustryNot only did Charles Jenkins invent radiovision, but that later lead to the making of Jenkins Television Corporation, which was founded in 1928 as part of their radiovision invention. They sold thousand of radiovision sets to people from prices between $85 and $135. Mainly only rich people were able to afford this back then.
  • kinescope

    kinoscopeVladimir Zworykin invented the cathode-ray tube called the kinescope in 1929. The kinescope tube was sorely needed for television back then. This invention was a more advanced version of the iconoscope. Zworykin was one of the first to demonstrate a television system with all the features of modern picture tubes, which was previously called the cathode-ray tube. His invention later lead to the existence of RCA (his television company im America).
  • Television Reciever

    Television Reciever
    television recieverLouis W. Parker's television receiever is now used in all television receivers in the world. Without it television receivers would not work as well and would be more costly. It's basically just the basic sound system found in all televisions.
  • Cable TV

    Cable TV
    Cable Tv
    Community antenna television (now called cable television) was started by John Walson and Margaret Walson. Cable television was originaly knows as Community Antenna Television or CATV, but is now just called cable. John Walson connected a mountain antennae to both his store and several of his customers' homes that were located in the are starting the nation’s first CATV system
  • Remote Contorol

    Remote Contorol
    remote control
    Zenith Radio Corporation created the very first television remote control in 1950 called "Lazy Bone." The Lazy Bone could turn a television on and off, and change channels. However, it was not a wireless remote control. The Lazy Bone remote control was attached to the television by a bulky cable. It turned out that consumers did not like the cable because it caused frequent tripping.
  • The First Color Television

    The First Color Television
    Color TelevisionA successful color television system began commercial broadcasting, first authorized by the FCC on December 17, 1953 based on a system designed by RCA. Their were two previous designs that were not succesful, however they went down as attempts. Most tvs were still in black and white and only the richest peoplew were able to have a color tv.
  • first plasma display monitor

     first plasma display monitor
    plasma tv It was not until after the invention of digital and other technologies that a successful plasma televisions became possible. The first two men who attempted were Donald Bitzer and Gene Slottow from the University of Illinios. After 1964, television broadcast companies considered developing plasma television as an alternative to televisions using cathode ray tubes
  • web tv

    web tv
    WebTV was invented in 1996 by Diba Inc and Zenith Electronics, who produced and marketed the first WebTV sets. Basically a web tv is a tv set that can access the internet from the tv. The internet wasn't anything like what we have now, however this was a huge step in the tv industry. You had to of been very wealthy to have this kind of tv back in the 60's.
  • HD television

    HD television
    HD TVthe first ever hd tv was built in japan in 1970. The first demonstration of HDTV in the United States took place in 1981 and generated a great deal of interest. It was a way for the picture produced on the tv screen to be much brighter and more clearer. Most tv todays have some form of high def.
  • Captioning TV

    Captioning Tv
    Closed captions are captions that are hidden in the video signal, invisible without a special decoder. Captioning was first previewed to the public in 1971, at the First National Conference on Television for the Hearing Impaired in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1993, a law in the US was created to make sure that all television sets must be built with a captioning system
  • 3D television

    3D television
    3D TvThe release of Oscar-winning Avatar brought renewed interest to 3D television. 3D television includes high tech glasses that you wear when watching television. It creates that 3D effect that you can get at the movies right in your livingroom. FPR (Film Patterned Retarder)allows viewers to enjoy the 3D TV experience while wearing lightweight battery-free glasses.