Forrest Walpole's Prenatal Development Timeline

  • Period: to

    Firtst Trimester

  • 1 Month after Pregnancy cont.

    Your- Body- Your body s making lots of hormones that help your baby grow in the months it stays in you belly. These hormones can make you fee moody or cranky. Your breasts will get bigger, they may hurt or tingle. You may feel sick to your stomach, This is "morning sickness". Try to eat crackers or small meals. You might crave for food or hate foods you actually like. You might feel tired. Rest when you get a chance. Your 1st Trimester begins.
  • 1 Month after Pregnancy

    Finally, after 1 month after being told you're pregnent, you get excited, and nervos. But don't fear, this timeline is here. After going through your first month, these things will happen: Your baby- Tiny little limb buds will appear. These grow into your baby's arms and legs. Your baby's heart begins to form. By the 22nd day in the pregnency, the baby's heart can be heard beating. Your baby's neural tubes also begins to form. This becomes the brain and spinal cord. The baby should be 1/4 in.
  • 2 Months after Pregnancy Began

    Here are some changes you and your baby wil go through after the second month: Your Baby- Your baby's vital organs are forming. The placenta is working. The placenta grows in your uterus, suppiying the baby with food and oxygen.through the ubilical cord. Your baby's ears,ankles, wrists, fingers, and toes are formed. The eelids have also formed, buy they stay shut. Your baby should be 1 in tall and weighs less than 1/3 oz.
  • 2 Months after pregnancy began

    Your Body- Your breasts may still be sore and are getting bigger. Your nippes and areas around them may begin to get dark. You might have to go to the bathroom more often, due to your uterus growing and pressing on your bladder. You might still have morning sickness. You may feel tired and have to rest often. Your body makes more blood.
  • 3 Months after pregnancy began

    Your Body- You might still feel tired and have morning sickness. You might have headaches and get lightheaded and dizzy. Should these symptoms not go away, thell your health care provider. Talk to said health care provider before you take any meds for headaches. You might gain 2-4 pounds. by now. Your clothes might begin to feel tightened. This marks the end of the first trimester.
  • 3 Months after Pregnancy

    Heres what happens after the third month of our pregnancy: Your Baby- Your baby's fingernails and toenails are formed. Your baby's mouth has 20 buds, later to be the baby's baby teeth. Fine hairs begin to form on your baby's skin. You can actually hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time. If you want, ask your provider to let you listen. By the end of the third month, the baby is about 2 1/2-3 in. long and weighs 1 oz. This month ends the first Trimester.
  • Period: to

    Second Trimester Begins

  • 4 Months after pregnancy began

    Here's what happens during the 4th month of your pregnancy: Your baby- Your baby moves, kicks, and swallows. Your baby's skin is pink and see-through. The placenta continues to take in food in oxygen for your baby, but it'll also take in bad things, so don't smoke or drink alcohol at all during your pregnancy. By the end of the fourth month, your baby is 6-7 in. tall and weighs about 4-5 oz.
  • 4 Months after pregnancy began

    4 Months after pregnancy began
    You may get more hungry as your morning sickness goes away. You also might have more energy. But, you might start having heartburns. Try eating four or five small meals instead of three big meals. Also, don't eat anything spicey. Near the end of the month, you might feel your baby move. for the first time ever. You gain about a pound a wek, so you might need to get bigger clothes and bras now. You can have sex if you want to. it won't hurt the baby. Just find new ways to, as your belly gets big.
  • 5 Months after prgnancy began

    Here's what will happen after five months: Your baby: Your baby becomes more active. He can turn from side to side and sometimes head over heels. Your baby goes to sleep and wakes up. Your baby grows alot this month. By the end of the month, You baby is about 10 in. long and weighs 1/2 to 1 pound.
  • 5 months after pregnancy cont.

    Your Body- You should feel the baby move at this point of the pregnancy. If you don't, tell your health care provider. Your heart beats faster. You need eight or more hours of sleep each night. Rest and take breaks as early as you can. Don't push yourself.
  • Period: to

    Third Trimester

  • 6 Months after pregnancy began

    Here's what should happen after 6 months: Your baby- Your baby's skin is red and wrinkled. Your baby can kick strongly now. Your baby's eyes are almost completely formed. Soon they'll start to open and close. By the end of the month, your baby is about 12 in. long and weighs 1.5-2 pounds.
  • 6 Months after Pregnancy cont.

    Your body- The skin on your belly might itch. You might see stretch marks. Use lotion and wear loose clothes. Your backk might hurt. Don't stand too long. And don't lift heavy items.You might feel pain down the sides of your belly as your uterus gets bigger. You might have constipation. Drinkk more of water or fruit juice. Eat more foods with fiber, such as fruits and veggies. You can still have sex, don't do it if it hurts or if you feel cramps.
  • 7 Months after pregnancy began

    Here's what will happen after 7 months: Your Baby- Your baby can open and close her eyes and suck the thumb. Your baby kicks and stretches. Your baby responds to light and sound. You will definetly feel your baby moving. As your baby grows, the movements may feel different. By the end of the seventh month, your baby is about 15-16 in. long and weighs about 2.5-3 pounds.
  • 7 Months after Pregnancy cont.

    Your Body- Your ankles and feet might swell. Try lying down and putting your feet up. If your hands and face swell suddenly, call your health care provider. You might get stretch marks on your belly and breasts as they get bigger. You may have contractions. Call your health care provider if you have five contractions in one hour. As your belly gets bigger, you might lose your balance. Be Careful! You may have trouble sleeping. You might be sweating a lot more than usual.
  • 8 Months after pregnancy began cont.

    You might feel stronger contratcions this month. Colostrum might leak from your breasts. This fluid comes out of you breasts before your breast milk comes in. Use breast pads to stop the leaking. You may have problems breathing as the baby pushes on your lungs. Slow down and try to sit and stand up straight. Your baby might crowd your stomach. Try eating four or five smaller meals during the day. You should gain one pound this month.
  • 8 Months after Pregnancy

    Here's what will happen after 8 months of pregnancy: Your baby- Your baby is getting bigger. He can kick strongly and roll around. You may see the shape of his elbow or heel against your belly. Your baby's fingernails have grown to the tips of his fingers. Your baby's brain and lungs are still growing. By the end of the 8th month, Your baby is about 18-19 in. long and weighs about 4-5 pounds.
  • Final Month of pregnancy cont.

    Your body- Your belly button might stick out. Your breathing should be easier once the baby moves down. But you might need to go to the bathroom more often because the baby is pressing on your bladder. You may be uncomfortable because of the pressure and weight of the baby. Rest often. Your feet and ankle may swell. Keep your feet up. Try to stay in a cool place. Your cervix opens up and thins out as it prepares for birth. You might lose 1-2 pounds. You will feel your baby move until you deliver
  • Final Month of pregnancy

    Here's what will happen during the final month: Your baby- Your baby's lungs are ready to work on her own. Your baby gains half a pound a week. Your baby would move to a head down position and rests lower in your belly. You will feel it moving during this time. By the end of the month, your baby is 19-21 in. long and weighs 6-9 pounds.