Forrest Gump Timeline Project

By fredex
  • Desegregation of University of Alabama

    Desegregation of University of Alabama
    On June 11th, 1963, George Wallace, who was at the time the governor of Alabama, stood in front of the entrance to the university in attempts to block out the two African-American students who were there to attend a class as regular college students. This became known as the "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door".
  • MLK Speech on Lincoln Memorial

    MLK Speech on Lincoln Memorial
    MLK was the last star to speak that day. Going 10 minutes over his originally timed opening. He famously went off his scripted speech to speak of his almighty and ever famous dream. He kept people at the Lincoln memorial when everyone thought they would start leaving and he kept the faith in every American striving for freedom in America.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    JFK was riding down Dealey plaza in Houston, Texas when a man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald shot him from a window in an above building. Killing JFK and and severely wounding Governor Connally. He was later pronounced dead at 1:00 pm in Parkland Memorial Hospital. Lee was killed in the police station two days later
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK Assassination
    MLK was killed after going to lead a group of believers outside the Lorraine Motel in Tennessee. He was shot on the balcony, suffering from a single shot hitting the neck and face. The killer (James Earl Ray) was a confirmed racist and short time criminal. He was rushed to St. Josephs Hospital and was pronounced dead at 7:05 pm that evening.
  • Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were not only the first Americans to step foot on the Moon but the first humans. It was a major leap for America during the space race and gave the people back on earth more hope and faith in NASA.
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a 4 day concert to promote peace and good music. Although it had its reputation with excessive drug users and majority of the crowd being hippies, it was one of the biggest concerts of its time with an audience of 400,000 people. It took place in a 600-acre dairy farm owned by Max Yasgur.
  • Watergate Break-in

    Watergate Break-in
    This was a huge scandal that involved five men believed to be in connects with President Nixon. They sneakily broke into the Democratic National Committee (DNC).They did this to obtain copies of the opposition's documents and plant microphones in their offices.
  • Nixon Resignation

    Nixon Resignation
    As the Watergate scandal got more and more intense, Nixon was under great amounts of scrutiny and was heading for sure impeachment. On August 9th, 1974, he decided to quit before getting fired and he resigned as our 37th president and being the first and only to this day to resign from office before his term even ended.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Carmen was a category 4 tropical storm that swept through the Atlantic and eastern to central America. Carmen killed 8 and left multiple states destroyed and forever effected. earning its title as the most intense tropical cyclone of the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season.
  • HIV/AIDS Outbreak

    HIV/AIDS Outbreak
    AIDS sprouted out during the early 1980s, later becoming an epidemic. 1.2 million people have AIDS but only 1/8 of them actually know they have it.
  • Challenger Shuttle Explosion

    Challenger Shuttle Explosion
    The Challenger was destroyed 73 seconds after it's liftoff. It was meant to be the first mission with "everyday" peoples. From school teachers to actual astronauts. The explosion was later determined to be caused by two washers that were misplaced and fell off.
  • Attacks on the World Trade Towers

    Attacks on the World Trade Towers
    It happened on a clear Tuesday morning. Two planes hit the World Trade Center. Collapsing tower 1 and 2 and killing over 3,000 civilians. This was recorded as the worst terrorist attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor.