Forrest Gump Timeline

  • the start and end of titanic

    the start and end of titanic
    RMS titanic was a british passenger liner the sank in the North Atlantic ocean on the early morning on April 15,1912
  • Red scare

    Red scare
    Joshua McCarthy and McCarthism was the american politican that was served as the republican U.S senator and McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in which cold war tensions to become more fueled of fears that was widespread communist subverisor.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    little rock the most important event of civil rights was the little rock nine when two African american that enter a all white school when it was around segregation time
  • Man in space

    Man in space
    Nasa was sent to be the first person in space was Alan shepard
  • 1903 Bolshevik Party established in Russia

  • 1901 Edward VII comes to English throne

  • 1902 Death of Emile Zola (writer)

  • 1904 Russo-Japanese War

  • 1903 Wright Brothers make first controlled flight in aeroplane

  • 1909 Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque develop Cubism

  • 1910 Death of Florence Nightingale (nurse and hospital reformer)

  • 1909 American Robert Peary first to reach North Pole