Forrest Gump Events Timeline (1950-1990)

  • Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968)

    Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968)
    The Civil Rights Movement was a mass formation in civil rights activists who protested for better equality, desegregation, equal treatment, etc. This brought about the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act 1965, Fair Housing Act 1968, etc.
  • Vietnam War (1955-1975)

    Vietnam War (1955-1975)
    The Vietnam War brought about America's increased influence in foreign affairs. This was another act of the Containment Policy used by the US to slow down Communism. During the war, the use of live coverage in battlefields showcased some of the most gruesome fighting seen to the public eye. This lead to development in anti-war protests and civil rights activists protesting against the war.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley was one America's revolutionary youth. One of his famous songs he sang was Hound Dog which he used a Rock n' Roll theme rendition. This also sparked a new age of music creation such as groups like The Beatles and ACDC. This also brought about the age of where young people would get involved in activist movements and evolutionary changes
  • US Space Race (1957-1975)

    US Space Race (1957-1975)
    The Space Race was a competition between the US and USSR during the Cold War Era. It brought about historic moments such as the humans to land on the moon, the first person to reach space and orbit the earth, and creation of the first satellite. This brought a scare in communism and also brought about the threats to national security. This also was an effect of the increase in military spending.
  • Joan Baez

    Joan Baez
    Joan Baez was a civil activist and protester against the Vietnam War and for the Environment. She would sing folk songs to protest against the war and to support the Environment. This also encouraged women to protest against the government.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    President Kennedy, who pushed for equality during the early stages of his presidency, was shot in Dallas Texas by a Cuban sympathizer and died. This brought the fear of communism was close and residing in the US. Lyndon B. Johnson would later succeed Kennedy's position on the same day, hoping to carry out Kennedy's dream.
  • Black Panther Party (1966-1982)

    Black Panther Party (1966-1982)
    This party was a civil rights organization that pushed for desegregation, equality and equal treatment among blacks. Their actions would be either violent or non-violent whenever they went on patrol in black neighborhoods to stop police brutality.
  • Robert Kennedy Assassination

    Robert Kennedy Assassination
    Robert Kennedy was assassinated during his run in the Presidential Elections. He also pushed for equality and civil rights among minority in the US.
  • First Man On The Moon (1969)

    First Man On The Moon (1969)
    During the Space Race, the US and USSR competed to get the first person in space. The USSR was ahead at first, but that changed when they raced to the moon. Their the US landed Apollo 8 on the moon and set history by getting the first person on the moon. This also brought an increase in military defense spending.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    Began in April 1971, the US ping-pong team was invited to an all expense paid exhibition trip to China to compete. Normally Americans weren't allowed into China because of Communism, leads to Nixon and Mao Zedong becoming friends.
  • Watergate Scandal (1972)

    Watergate Scandal (1972)
    The Watergate Scandal was a scandal the Nixon administration committed during the '72 presidential election where hired "goons" broke into Democrat HQ at Watergate hotel for any dirt. This scandal revealed several other dirty plays Nixon's administration did the years leading up to the election and forced him to resign and killed the faith the public had in the government.
  • HIV/AIDS Epidemic (1981)

    HIV/AIDS Epidemic (1981)
    The virus appeared in America in the early 1980s. The Reagan administration was slow to respond to the "AIDS Epidemic," because effects of the virus were not fully understood and they deemed the spread of the disease as the result of immoral behavior.