Foreign Policy-Changes Over Time

  • Proclamation Of Neutrality

    Proclamation Of Neutrality
    A statement given by President George Washington stating that the United States would remain neutral in the wars with France and England.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    A treaty signed between the United States and Britain that helped create peace between the two nations. Britain would abandon forts in the Northwest territory, and they would pay for ships they had seized.
  • Pinckey's Treaty

    Pinckey's Treaty
    A treaty signed between the United States and Spain that gave America free travel of the Mississippi river, and defined the boundaries between the two nations.
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement

    Rush-Bagot Agreement
    The Rush-Bagot Agreement was a treaty made between America and Britain that limited naval presence on the Great Lakes.
  • Convention Of 1818

    Convention Of 1818
    The Convention of 1818 was a treaty between the United States and Britain that set the boundaries of the Canadian border.
  • Adam-Onis Treaty

    Adam-Onis Treaty
    The Adam-Onis Treaty was signed by President Monroe's Secretary of state Adams, and Spanish Minister Luis de Onis, that created peace between America and Spain. It also gave the United States Florida, and settled the border disputes of the Louisiana purchase
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was an U.S foreign policy that stated that America would remain neutral in European affairs and told them to stop colonizing the Americas.
  • Torrijo-Carter Treaty

    Torrijo-Carter Treaty
    The Torrijo-Carter Treaty was a treaty signed between the United States and Panama that would give Panama control of the Panama Canal.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    The Camp David Accords were a series of negotiations for peace between Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachen, that were witnessed by President Carter.It led directly to the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
  • Carter Doctrine

    Carter Doctrine
    The Carter Doctrine was a foreign policy that stated that the United States would be prepared and would use Military Force to defend their national interests (end communism) in the Persian Gulf