Ford and Max's imeline

  • Roman Catholic Church

    In 1609, a group of separatists (later known as Pilgrims) fled from England to Holland, eager to escape the corrupting wickedness around them. In his classic History of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford (1588-1657), the Pilgrim leader, explains why the Pilgrims decided to leave the Netherlands in 1619 and establish a new community in the New World, as it turned out, in Massachusetts. This is important because the Roman Catholic Church forced settlers to find new land and they found America.
  • Black Salvary in America

    Historians now know that small numbers of Africans lived in Virginia before 1619, the year a Dutch ship sold some twenty blacks (probably from the West Indies) to the colonists. But it was not until the 1680s that black slavery became the dominant labor system on plantations there. As late as 1640, there were probably only 150 blacks in Virginia and in 1650, 300. This is important because it was the start of slavery.
  • Dutch Surrender New York

    Between 1652 and 1674, the Dutch fought three naval wars with England. The English had hoped to wrest control of shipping and trading from the Dutch but failed. As a result of these conflicts, the Dutch won what is now Surinam from England, while the English received New Netherlands from the Dutch. In 1664, the English sent a fleet to seize New Netherlands, which surrendered without a fight. This important because if the Dutch not surrendered it would be controlled by the Dutch.
  • French and Indian War

    In 1753, Virginia's Governor Robert Dinwiddie, an investor in the Ohio Company, sent George Washington, a 21-year old major in the Virginia militia, to Pennsylvania to demand a French withdrawal from the forts. The French refused. This is important because it kept the French from taking control of any of the land.
  • The first system of government

    . South Carolina's settlers rejected virtually all of this plan and immigrants refused to move to the region until it was replaced by a more democratic system of government. This is important because the English settlers laid down the first system of government.
  • We buy tea from Britain

    Lord Frederick North (1732-1792), who had become the King's chief minister in 1770, thought that the colonists would buy the cheaper British tea and thereby recognize Parliament's right to tax them. Many colonists, however, viewed the Tea Act as an insidious plot to get them to abandon their argument against taxation without representation. This is important because we made a great trade with Britain and established our alliance.
  • Declaration ot Independence

    The most radical idea advanced by the American Revolutionaries was the proposition set forth in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." This is important because it made all men equal and gave us our rights it talks about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Happiness.
  • Thomas Jefferson is elected president

    Thomas Jefferson's goal as president was to restore the principles of the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson elected president and did great things.
  • george Wahingtom

    ). Washington favored a strong and active role for the president. Modeling the executive branch along the lines of a general's staff, Washington consulted his cabinet officers and listened to them carefully, but he made the final decisions, just as he had done as Commander-in-Chief. This is important because it was the first election for president in a way and made George Washington President or Commander-in-Chief as they called him.
  • bill of rights

    Seven states had bills of rights protecting fundamental freedoms from government infringement. Among the rights that were guaranteed were freedom of the press, of speech, and of religion, and the right to a jury trial. This is important because the bill of rights states are ten amendments.
  • Louisana territory

    In 1800, Spain secretly ceded the Louisiana territory--the area stretching from Canada to the Gulf Coast and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains--to France, which closed the port of New Orleans to American farmers.The president sent negotiators to France, with instructions to purchase New Orleans and as much of the Gulf Coast as they could for $2 million. This is important because Thomas Jefferson buys the Louisiana territory from Spain.
  • War of 1812

    General Andrew Jackson crushed the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in Alabama, while General William Henry Harrison defeated Indians in the Old Northwest at the Battle of the Thames. The war of 1812 was important to our history cause it showed that we do what we can in a crisis with other countries.
  • Civil war

    Some Southerners had threatened to leave the Union during a Congressional debate over slavery in 1790, the Missouri Crisis of 1819 and 1820, the Nullification Crisis of 1831 and 1832, and the crisis over California statehood in 1850. This is the civil war and was a huge part of America.
  • Abraham Lincoln became president

    In the final balloting, Lincoln won only 39.9 percent of the popular vote, but received 180 Electoral College votes, 57 more than the combined total of his opponents. Abraham Lincoln was elected president.
  • We buy Alaska

    The United States' military was small because the country was situated between two large oceans and was surrounded by weak or friendly nations. This is important because it gives the U.S. more area and easier access to Russia.
  • WWI

    At 8:35 o'clock tonight the United States virtually made its entrance into the war. We get involved with WWI.
  • The great depression

    Billions of dollars in open market values were wiped out as prices crumbled under the pressure of liquidation of securities which had to be sold at any price. It was the start of the Great Depression.
  • Booming of Pearl Habor

    . The two privates operating the radar contacted the Army's General Information Center, but the duty officer there told them to remain calm; the planes were probably American B-17s flying in from California. In fact, they were Japanese aircraft that had been launched from six aircraft carriers 200 miles north of Hawaii. We are introduced to WWII.
  • John F. Kennedy

    President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas. Another one of are presidents are assassinated.
  • 9-11

    Nearly 3,000 victims and the 19 hijackers died in the attacks. Among the 2,753 victims who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center were 343 firefighters and 60 police officers from New York City and the Port Authority, and 8 private emergency medical technicians and paramedics. We witness the first successful terriest attack on the us.