Book rabbit proof 2t

Follow The Rabbit Proof Fence by Katie Stanko.

By Katie25
  • Continued. Part 2.

    Continued. Part 2.
    it is a disgrace to think that our ansestors treated that traditional land owners in such a poor manor. I am sure that if something similar to this was to happen in the present the affendor would be heavly fined and possibly put into jail.
    This is a website that relates / similar to what happened to those poor women back then, unfortunitaly this event is still occuring even today. I think that these people will founder the city of Sydney.
  • Major Edmund Lockyer and crew arrive in Sydney. Page 1 - 7.

    Major Edmund Lockyer and crew arrive in Sydney. Page 1 - 7.
    When Major Edmund arrives in the early Sydney, he sparks fear into the native Aborginals becuase of the past experiences that they have had with other white men. The reason why they feared these men is becuase of them stealing their women to take abored onto their ships, and then killing them and throwing them overboard once they have finished their dutie.
    I think that this is a terrible situation that I wish could have been stoped so many years ago, no body deserves to be treated like that and
  • Period: to

    Follow The Rabbit Proof Fence The Book's Timeline

    This is the time span that was roughly ranged within the book, it is not completely accuirite but is close enough.
  • Continued Part 3.

    Continued Part 3.
    This is a very descriptive website about how the Siberian Tiger is facing the possibility of becoming extinct. This is due to the fact of defforestation which is taking away their homes and their food supply. This is similar to the Aboriginals becuase the white men also took away their homes and food supply.
  • Western Auatralia Is Founded And Collinists Arrive. Page 9 - 12.

    Western Auatralia Is Founded And Collinists Arrive. Page 9 - 12.
    Two Aboriginal hunters notice how the white men were becoming more commmon within their lands, they were continuesly venturing up river in search of fresh food and water. One day Captin Freematle spoke to the Aboriginal leaders and asked them in English weither or not he could claim this land as Englands, unfortunatly though they didn't understand him and he went ahead and named the land Western Australia. Shortly afterwards many colinists arrived in Western Australia, and claimed parts of land
  • Contined Part 2.

    Contined Part 2.
    as their own. Unfortunately though the common land areas chosen were often where the Aboriginals like to hunt, this made it very hard for them to hunt and find food.
    We all now how annoying it can be if we can't find what we want at the supper market, imagine not even being able to go to the supper market and then when you find a place to get food, there isn't even much there. I think that this is what the Aboriginals were faced with everyday sicne the European collinists arrived.
  • Aboriginal Families Treck To Jigalong. Page 18 - 33.

    Aboriginal Families Treck To Jigalong. Page 18 - 33.
    Food and water is hard to find due to the loss of hunting ground, the white people are everywhere. The Aboriginals last resort is to travel to a place called Jigalong which was a Governmnent depot for the men who worked to maintain the Rabbot Proof Fence. Food was easily avaliable here and blankets were given out. This is a chapter about one tribes journey to Jigalong and the exciting new places and things that they come across which the white people have bought from their home land.
  • Continued. Part 2.

    Continued. Part 2.
    I belive that this would have been an extremely exilorating task, I think this way because they were walking through harsh terrain, barefoot, barely any water and there was always the threat from a surprise attack from either animal or even worse, white men.
    This is an interesting website about people who are living in poverty and how they found refudge in another place. This relates to the Aboriginals becuase they were faced with
  • Continued. Part 3.

    Continued. Part 3.
    circumstances similar to the ones that the people living in poverty were faced with, they were also seeking refudge in another place just like the poverty stricken people.
  • Aboriginals Arrive At Jigalong and Molly Is Born.

    Aboriginals Arrive At Jigalong and Molly Is Born.
    Molly's relatives arrive at Jigalong and settle down and grow used to their new life. Many years later Molly the eldest of the three sisters was born. Not to many years later, her two sisters Daisy and Gracie were born who were also half casts.
    I beleive that this would have been very hard on the girls becuase they had paler skin then the other Aboriginal children, they would most deffinitly stuck out and were probably teased a lot for it.
    I do not know what to relate this situation to.
  • Continued. Part 2.

    Continued. Part 2.
    This is a website about forced marages for children. I recently read an article about this in the newspaper and thought that it was very relavent. This is becuase like the young Aboriginal girls their future was decided for them without choice. Though they are two different issues they are similar because of this one reason.
  • Molly, Daisy And Gracie Are Taken From Their Families To Go To School. Page 44 - 62.

    Molly, Daisy And Gracie Are Taken From Their Families To Go To School. Page 44 - 62.
    The Government decided that all half casts must go to school, and becuase the three young girls fitted into this catagory, they were taken from their families and taken to The Moore River Native Settlement to be educated.
    I feel very compassionate towards these girls at the moment becuase they are going through a very rough time and are grieving over the pain of losing their families. At the time the government thought it was a good idea, but in the long run it was completely the opposite.
  • Running Away. Page 77 - 82.

    Running Away. Page 77 - 82.
    When the girls arrived at the school all they wanted to do was to get out of there. So eventualy after a few days the girls escaped and ran away. Their plan was to travel north east towards The Rabbit Proof Fence and follow it all the way home.
    I beleive that these girls are very strong minded and willed for their age, in particular Molly the eldest sister who shows a huge amount of bravery throughout this event in the book.
  • Continued. Part 2.

    Continued. Part 2.
    This shows Rosa Parks who was a woman who took action and didn't just stand around. The girls did the same thing becuase they didn't just stand around and do nothing they took action and kept with it and never gave up.
  • Towards The Rabbit Proof Fence. Page 82 - 109.

    Towards The Rabbit Proof Fence. Page 82 - 109.
    The girls traveled across harsh tarrain surviving off their basick hunting skills and door knocking on station owners houses asking for food. They were reported numerous times to the Aboriginal tracker and police which made the extrodany journey that bit harder.
    I believe that these girls do deserve a huge amount of reconition for the fate that they over came. It is extrodanry to think that such young girls could partake in such a gigantic task.
  • Continued. Part 2.

    Continued. Part 2.
    This shows the huge effort put in by those who completed the Kokoda Trail back in World War 2. The similarty here though is that both stories are walking to find themselves a better place then where they are now.
  • Gracie Departs. Page 115 - 116.

    Gracie Departs. Page 115 - 116.
    This is a scene where Gracie leaves her two sisters to catch a train home instead of walking the rest of the way. The two sisters try to convince her to stay but she goes as planned to the station to catch a train.
    At this piont in the book, I believe that the girls are feeling shocked and exursted becuase they didn't even argue to stop her.
    I think that they would feel like she has abandonded them on the home run.
    I can not think what to relate this to.
  • Home Sweet Home! Page 123.

    Home Sweet Home! Page 123.
    The girls arrive home and are reunited with their families and loved ones. Their families cry with happyness when they see the girls faces.
    I believe that the girls are feeling very content and happy and believe that they choose the best possible answer to their problem. They are probably thinkning that they can accoplish anything as long as you put your mind to it.
    I can not relate this to anything.
  • Almost Home. Page 119 - 122.

    Almost Home. Page 119 - 122.
    This is when the two remaining girls arrive at their Uncle's camp and convince him to take them back to Jigalong. They have fun on this last part of the 1600km journey which includes them riding on a camel.
    I do think that the girls are very excited for the fact that they are so close to their families, and are very anxious to see them as soon as they can.
    I believe that this relates to people going on holidays together and one person leading the way while the other one follows.