Primera guerra mundial ametralladora

First World War

  • Period: to

    Key Alliances

    1882 – Triple Alliance: Italy joined the dual (France and Russia get nervous).
    1892 – Franco-Russian Alliance against triple alliance.
    1904 – Entente Cordiale (Britain and France).
    1907 – Triple Entente (Russia, Britain and France).
  • Suffragists & Suffragettes

    Suffragists & Suffragettes
    The suffragists were The National Union of Women’s suffrage societies were moderate in their protests. Leader: Millicent Fawcett.(1897)
    The suffragettes were more direct (Women’s social and political union). They think the Suffragists took things too slowly. They wanted to see results, and fast. Founded by Emmeline Pankhurst.(1903)
  • Germany-Britain start an arm race

    Germany-Britain start an arm race
    Both countries, started to develop their armies by building: Dreadnoughts,cruisers...(armored ships)
  • Charles Booth, Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree

    Charles Booth, Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree
    These writers, writed a book called: "Life and Labour of the People in London". This book influenced government intervention against poverty.
  • Period: to

    Liberal Reforms

    This reform was needed because of the poorness in Britain
  • Workmen’s Compensation Act

    Workmen’s Compensation Act
    This act was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It briefly said that the employers had to pay workers if they had any injurie or ilness as a result of their work. It affected around 6 millions of worked that they hadn't had before any legal protection.
  • Austrian Invasion of Bosnia

    Austrian Invasion of Bosnia
    The Austrian invasion was resented by the Slavic peoples. Serbia wanted to unite the Slavic peoples in the region, and resented the invasion of Bosnia
  • Old Age Pensions Act

    Old Age Pensions Act
    This act was introduced by David Lloyd George ( chancellor of exchequer). This act was a very important help for elders above 70 years.
  • Children’s Charter

    Children’s Charter
    This act was passed by the British Liberal Party's liberal reforms package.After the publication of this charter children under 16 couldn't:
    -Buy cigarretes
    -Go to pubs
  • Lloyd George’s 1909 budget

    Lloyd George’s 1909 budget
    Also known as the "Peoples Budget". This budget proposed to tax harder the rich people than the poor ones.
  • Italy took Tripoli

    Italy took Tripoli
    Italy wanted to control all the Adriatic sea.
  • National Insurance Act

    National Insurance Act
    This measure gave the British working classes the first contributory system of insurance against illness and unemployment. It had two parts: health insurance and unemployment benefit.
  • The agadir Crisis

    The agadir Crisis
    This was the second morrocan crisis, it was nearly to trigger the war between France and Germany. That crisis started because of the Germans sent a gunboat (panther), to the moroccan port. It finally ended with a treaty in which Germany lent ''a free walk'' to France in Morocco. The image shows the Panther sent by germans.
  • Parliament Act

    Parliament Act
    It partly governs the relationship between the House of Commons and the House of Lords which make up the Houses of Parliament.
    It said that: The Lords were no longer allowed to reject bills on financial issues. They could reject other bills twice –but the third time they’d automatically become law.
  • First Balkan War

    First Balkan War
    Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro formed the Balkan League, and in 1912 they attacked the Ottoman empire.
  • The second Balkian war

    The second Balkian war
    Bulgaria went to war with Greece and Serbia.
  • "Start of the First World War"

    "Start of the First World War"
    The archduke was killed by Princip (serb student). Princip was member of the Black hand, this fact only triggered the war, it didn't caused it
  • Period: to

    "The movements war"

    Germany carried out the Schlieffen plan, but they didn't get into account that Belgium would oppose resistance. Finally, the French Marshal Joffre stopped the German offensive and they consolidated their positions.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    In this battle the Russian empire was faced with the German army. This confrontation resulted one of the most decisive battles of the war.
  • Marne Battle

    Marne Battle
    This battle pointed the failure of the German Schlieffen plan.
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    Both sides wanted to stop the other side controlling the coastline.
  • Period: to

    Positional Warfare

    The trench warfare aimed the defending of fixed positions. Trenches were easy to defend because of the barbed wire and the machineguns,but it was easy to attack because of armed vehicles could break the barbed wire and because it just warned the other side an attack was coming.
  • Second battle of Ypres

    Second battle of Ypres
    Germans used for first time poison gas against the enemy troops
  • Gallipoli

    Gallipoli is the name of the campaigne of conquerin Constantinople from the Turks. It was carried out by the french and the british armies.Its aim was to revitalize Rusia and to enclose the ''central empires''( Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Empire, Ottoman Empire...)
  • Conscription

    It's the compulsory enlistment of people to the military service. (Remember the relation --> ''Few meters thousands of deaths'')
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Marshal Petain held the german troops back. This battle was very long, it lasted from Feb to Dec 1916. There were a quarter of a million deaths.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    This battle was the biggest navy confrontation of the first world war. It took place on the North sea, both sides claimed the ''victory''. The british lost more boats and more men but they won more terrain otherwise more german boats and men return to home.
  • Battle of Sommes

    Battle of Sommes
    New invention: Tanks. There were more than a million of deaths between both sides. The aim of this battle was to distract the german troops from de battle of Verdun.
  • USA joins the war

    USA joins the war
    USA joined the war because of two main reasons:
    -The germans u-boats activity in the atlantic ocean.
    - Germany wanted to invade USA starting by Mexico
  • Freikorps

    This is the name of a body of ex-soldiers to keep the peace in Germany.
  • Brest-Litovsk

    It was a peace treaty signed between the german empire, austro-hungarian empire, ottoman empire,Rusian SFSR. In this treaty Rusia renounced some territories like Poland, Latvia, Finland...
    As the germans lost the first world war this treaty was canceled.
  • Weimar Republic

    Weimar Republic
    It's the name given to the federal republic and parliamentary representative democracy established in 1919 in Germany to replace the imperial form of government. It was named after Weimar, the city where the constitutional assembly took place.
  • Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    This was a peace treaty signed at the end of the first world war.It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. Some of their main points were:
    -Germany had to return land taken from France, Belgium, Poland and others.
    -German colonies in Africa were shared between France and Britain.
    -Germany had to pay reparations of £6600 million to compensate the Allies for the cost of the war.
  • Main international agreements which took place in the 1920s.

    Main international agreements which took place in the 1920s.
    • Dawes Plan 1924: USA plan to lend money to Germany and extend payments.
    • Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928: 65 nations agreed not to use force to settle arguments.
    • Young Plan 1929: Reduced reparations by 75% gave Germany 59 years to pay.
  • mines had troubles selling their coal during the 1920s

    mines had troubles selling their coal during the 1920s
    People were beginning to use gas, oil and electricity more than coal. Mines in Germany and Poland were using efficient modern machinery which produced more coal more quickly and more cheaply. Customers couldn’t afford British coal, and the mines became less and less profitable.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    It was an intergovernmental organization, founded at the end of the first world war. It's principal aim was to settle peace among all countries. League of Nations finally was dissolved on the 20th of april 1946.
  • Blackshirt

    Were fascist paramilitary armed squad, during the period immediately following World War I.The term was later applied to a similar group serving the British Union of Fascists (BUF) formed by Sir Oswald Mosley.
  • Miners General Strike.

    Miners General Strike.
    1.7 million workers went out, especially in transport and heavy industry, When they finally gave in and went back to work they had to accept lower wages and longer hours. The strike hadn’t really improved anything.
  • Lateran Treaty

    Lateran Treaty
    This was a treaty signed between the kingdom of Italy and the Holy See (the episcopal jurisdiction of the Catholic Church). Vatican city was settled as an independent state.
  • Period: to

    The breakdown of international order

  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    It was also known as the "Black Tuesday". It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States. As a result of this, there were a set of 10 years of GREAt DEPRESSION. Here is a brief paragraphh which explains it.
    People selling shares=>prices dropped=>business collapsed and people ruined=>banks couldn’t keep value of shares artificially because no money=>banks failed=>government should not interfere. (Difference between Spain is that here the government is interferi
  • Import Duties Act

    This made goods coming from abroad more expensive than British goods and increased sales of British products also this 10% gave the Government a valuable new income.
  • Night of the long knives

    Night of the long knives
    That took place in Nazi Germany, when the Nazi regime carried out a series of political murders. Many of those killed politicians were part of the Sturmabteilung (SA), a Nazi paramilitary organization. Adolf Hitler was opposed to the SA and its leader, Ernst Röhm.
  • What was the name given to the joining of Germany and Austria? How did Hitler achieve it?

    What was the name given to the joining of Germany and Austria? How did Hitler achieve it?
    He proposed an Austrian Nazi called Seyss-Inquart as Minister of the Interior, but Schuschnigg (Austrian Chancellor) refused. Hitler demanded Schuschnigg’s resignation or Germany would invade. Schuschnigg couldn’t take the risk (he resigned, except for Seyss-Inquart). Seyss-Inquart invited the German army into Austria to “restore order”, so Hitler entered Vienna to proclaim the Greater German Reich: Austria and Germany were united.
  • Kristallnacht: The night of the broken glass

    Kristallnacht: The night of the broken glass
    This was a pogrom (violent assault) against Jews throughout Nazi Germany. It was carried out by SA paramilitary.The attacks left the streets covered with broken glass from the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues. So that's the reason of the name of these revolts.
  • Munich Agreement & Hitler in March 1939

    Munich Agreement & Hitler in March 1939
    Munich agreement was a conference in which Chamberlain allowed Hitler to take Sudetenland. Hitler a "Fantastic conqueror" invaded all Czechoslovakia.
  • Causes of the Second World War

    Causes of the Second World War
    -The atmosphere in Europe was tense. -In March 1936 Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland.
    -Hitler then turned his attention to Austria.
    -Hitler pressurized Czechoslovakia in 1938.
    -Britain and France protested in Germany.
    -The Munich Agreement was an example of appeasement.
    -In March 1939 Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia.
    -The USSR made a pact with Hitler.
  • Who was mussolini and how did he come to power?

    Who was mussolini and how did he come to power?
    He was the leader and the promoter of fascism in Italy.He came to power by changing the voting rules, and in the next elections of 1924 the Fascists swept to power, beginning to change Italy into a dictatorship, ridding of other political parties and became the Head of State: Il Duce .