First Nations in Canada

By Aob2
  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to Jan 1, 1493

    First Contact (Columbus sailed to the Ameicas)

    1. Contact with Euorpeans exposed First Nations to unfamiliar diseases.
    2. Europeans begin to establish colonies in North America.
  • Period: to

    Fur Trade Established

    1. Europeans began to hunt in North America due to near extinction of beavers in Europe.
    2. First Nations given access to advanced European goods. through trade.
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    Seigneurial System Put in Place

    1. Due to being overlooked, the Haudenosaunee struck out against the farms in 1644-1664, causing deaths on boths sides.
    2. Seigneurs take First Nations land and resources, leaving less resources.
  • Period: to

    Monopoly Granted to Hudson's Bay Company

    1. Metis fur traders refused to the right to trade furs independantly.
    2. Increased contact between Cree and Europeans through trade of furs which were then sold to HBC at a low cost.
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    7 Years War

    1. Set out land specifically for First Nations use.
    2. Prohibited the purchase of these reserves from First Nations.
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    Thomas Douglas Established Colony in Manitoba

    1. As a result of not taking into account the Metis, rebellions occured between Metis and the Red River Colony.
    2. The people living in this colony were farmers and took over much of the Metis land, making the Metis put into a place of inferiority and sharing resources with the many people living in the colony.
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    Indian Act

    1. Enforced governmental control on lives of First Nation communities.
    2. Defined who was allowed to claim benefits as a "Status Indian"
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    Numbered Treaties Formed

    1. Forced First Nations onto reserves in turn for "surrendering" their land to the British.
    2. Strengthened European control over First Nations people.
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    First Residential Schools Established

    1. Children to give up heritage and weakened bonds between children and families.
    2. First Nation children endured abuse within residential schools and assimilated to European culture.
  • Period: to

    Residential Schools Begin to be Abolished

    1. First Nations began to reaffirm culture.
    2. An aspect of freedom of First Nations achieved