First half of the 19th centuary

  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    In 1800 the 3rd presidential election was happening. The election began on October 31, 1800, and ended on December 3rd, 1800. It was the first election that power was handed over peacefully to the other person.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    The debt that the United States had acquired went down from 83 million dollars to 53 million dollars in just 8 years. The Louisiana Purchase was a huge accomplishment for him, it almost doubled the size of the United States. He also moved the location of the capitol, the first capital in New York, That got changed when Washington was reelected he moved it to Philadelphia. From there Jefferson moved it to Washington D.C.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    The expedition started in 1804 and ended in 1805. The main purpose of the trip was so they could survey the land and see what was out there. They ended up discovering 122 different animal species.
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    Madison asked for a declaration of war for Britain. He was not very prepared for the war but still won a few battles. The people thought that they shouldn't change presidents in the middle of a war. He won battles near the end of the war so when he left office he was pretty popular.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The war started because the Americans wanted to settle in the native territory and because the British were interfering with their trade. The Americans were extremely unprepared but still managed to fight the British, which gained them international respect. The British troops had set fire to the White House and many other historical landmarks.
  • James Monroe

    James Monroe
    His presidency was called the Era of Good Feelings. He purchased Florida from Spain. He wrote the Monroe Doctrine which stated that the U.S. would not get involved in European affairs.
  • John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams
    The congressmen in the south voted for the gag rule. The gag rule was a petition that prevented people from going against slavery. Quincy Adams opposed the rule. In fact, he was the leading voice against it in congress.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Over 15,000 people died. Over 100,000 people were forced from their homes. It lasted roughly two years.
  • Black Hawk War

    Black Hawk War
    The Black Hawk war only lasted 5 months. The Black Hawks wanted to reclaim the land that the Americans stole from them. Black Hawk fought on the side of the British.
  • Martin Van Buren

    Martin Van Buren
    Van Buren was appointed by Andrew Jackson. He was the first American president. He loses the reelection to William Henry Harrison.