Finding miracles alvarez julia 9780553494068

Finding Miracles of Timelines

  • Allergic to Myself

    Allergic to Myself
    Milly is adpoted from Latin America. She keeps this hidden from all of her friends at school accept for her best friend Em. Today she was confronted with her secret. Pablo, a new student in her class was a refugee from the same country she was adpoted from. Milly became concered that her friends would find out that she was adpoted and her hands broke out in a red rash. " Last Thing I wanted is people starring at my family and asking," " Oh where did you get her?" pg. 25
  • 70th Birthday Party

    70th Birthday Party
    Milly's Grandmother Happy comes to Vermont to celebrate her 70th birthday. She is a very wealthy women and shows up to the house with an entourage of family members. At the end of the party Happy askes to speak privately with Milly's mom and dad. Milly over hears the converation that her grandmother is going to give her a stipend instead of a share in her will like the rest of the children because she is a adpoted. Milly was extremely hurt by the news.
  • Small Towns

    Small Towns
    Milly's dad ends up hiring Pablos father to work for his construction business. Her parents invite Pablos family over for dinner. Pablo and Milly start to become good friends. Milly tutors Pablo in english. Pablo shares with Milly how she looks like the people from Los Luceros a very remote town were revolutinaries hid. Pablo said," These people from Los Luceros, they have eyes like yours." pg. 86
  • The Box

    The Box
    Milly's parents, borther and sister go out of town for the weekend. Her best friend Em comes to stay with her while they are gone. Milly decides that this is the weekend that she is going to open the box that has all of the information about her adpotion. Em and Milly find out that her real name is Milagros A Frech word meaning Miracles. Em said, "That's so neat. It's like it's a miracle you survived." pg. 110
  • Elections

    Milly runs for Senator of her 9th grade class. She wins the election but does not win votes of confidence at home. That night she tells her parents that she wants to visit Latin America, her birth home, with pablos faimly and not them. This upsets the whole family exspecially her sister Kate. Kate feels that Milly will abandon them. Kate said,"I feel like your giving us up as a family." pg. 127
  • The Trip

    The Trip
    Milly travels to her home cournty of Latin America with pablo and his parents. There she meets pablo's bothers and extended family. They take her on tour of the capital where the city has just been liberated from a dictator. She is taken back by the severe poverity of her birth land. Pablo tells Milly," It is a sad reality of our little counrtry, Milly." pg. 165
  • A Cradle and a Grave

    A Cradle and a Grave
    Milly and Pablo visit and orphanage and find a nun who remembers the orphanage that Milly was adpoted from. She tells Milly that the head mother of her orhanage died ten years ago and the building had burnt down to the ground.
  • The kiss

    The kiss
    That afternoon after a furstating phone call from her parents. Milly takes a walk with Pablo down to the beach. There they talk through Millies frustation with her parents and all of the dificutly that Pablos family has gone through. Finding confort with each other they finally express how they feel about one another and kiss for the first time.
  • The Blind Women

    The Blind Women
    Milly shares her story about being an orphana with Pablo's Aunt Dulce. Ducle takes Pablo and Milly to Los Lucerios to see an old blind women nameed Donna Gloria. They went there to find out about millies birth parents.
  • Stories From The Past

    Stories From The Past
    Milly sits and listens to Donna Gloria tell three different stories of young love that ended with a baby being given up. She realizes that Donna Gloria had saved her life by preventing her abortion if one of the three couples were indeed her parents and by telling her the stories that made her fell lucky to be alive.