Fever 1793, Laurie Halse Anderson, Fiction, 243

  • Fever 1793, chapters 1-3

    The main character Matilda, who is 15, lives and works at her family coffee shop in Philadelphia. It is just her, her mother, and her grandfather. Eliza, a free African American works in their kitchen and cooks their food. Polly, a friend who also works for them, hasn't come to work and they start to worry. Matilda's mother comes home from the market and says Polly got sick with a fever. She had died. Matilda's mother won't let her attened her funeral. Page 1-17 total: 1031
  • Fever 1793, chapter 4-5

    At the coffee shop, Matilda's grandfather and his friends were talking about what is making everyone sick. In the past week 64 people died from an unknown sickness that everyone claims to be Yellow Fever again. The fever is mainly by the river with the dirty air. Matilda's grandfather denies it saying it's just the time of year. Matilda's mother sent her to the market and she sees Nathaniel, an old friend. She acts like a lady around him even though she never had before. Pages 18-33 total: 1056
  • Fever 1793 chapters 6-7

    Matilda and her mother got invited to "Tea Time" at Mrs. Ogilvie's mansion. Matilda doesn't want to go because her daughters Colette and Jeannine make fun of her and are rude because they have more money. At the tea, Colette collapses. Matilda's mother feels her head. She got the fever. pages 34-54 total: 1076
  • Fever 1793 chapters 8-19

    Mattie's mother had come down with the fever. They tried to get her well but she insisted that Mattie and Grandfather go to their friend's farm. On their way, they got kicked out of the wagon in fear that Grandfather was ill. Mattie then caught yellow fever. They were foumd and moved to Bush Hill. After recovering, they went back to the coffeehouse. Everything was stolen and they had to scavenge for food. Burglers broke in one night and killed Grandfather. pages 55-149 total: 1170
  • Fever 1793 chapters 20-25

    Mattie gets mad when the burial men almost throw grandfather in the ground and demands a prayer. Mattie walks down a street where she finds a little girl named Nell and takes her along. She then finds Eliza and is extremely relieved. She stayed with Eliza and her brother until Nell and William and Robert (Eliza's nephews) got the fever. That's when they went to the coffee house so they could recover in the coolness. Mattie was so tired she fell asleep outside. pages 150-208 total: 1228
  • Fever 1793 chapters 26-29 (and epilogue)

    Mattie woke up to frost everywhere. Her and Eliza quickly moved the children outside so they cooled off. Mattie went to the market to get food and ran into Nathaniel. He walked her home and from then on, he was a "constant caller". Everyone who had fled were returning. President Washington returned so everyone knew the fever was truly over. A wagon pulled up to the re-opened, and booming coffeehouse. Mother stepped out. She was home, and recovering like the town. pages: 209-243 total:1262