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Feudal Japan - Izaac Watson

By Izaac2
  • Jan 1, 1192

    Yoritomo becomes shogun

    Yoritomo becomes shogun
    Minamoto no Yoritomo was the founder and the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate of japan.He ruled from 1192 until 1199.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1192 to

    Fuedal Japan period

  • Jan 1, 1195

    First zen tepmle

    First zen tepmle
    Shofukji temple supposedly Japans oldest and first zen temple. built by zen master Yosai who founded the temple in 1195.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    First mongol invasion of Japan

    First mongol invasion of Japan
    From the port in masan in southern korea, the mongols and their subjects launched a step wise attack on japan in the autumn of 1274
  • Jan 1, 1281

    Mongols invade for a second time

    Mongols invade for a second time
    When the mongols invaded both times they were not successful losing up to 75% of their troops and supplies due to large storms.
  • Jan 1, 1336

    Takauji becomes shogun

    Takauji becomes shogun
    Askiaga Takauji was the founder and the first shogun of the Askiaga shogunate. His rule began in 1338, begining the muromachi period of Japan and ended with his death in 1358.
  • Jan 1, 1542

    The first portuguese traders arrive

    The first portuguese traders arrive
    This was the Japanese's first contact with with the west after a portuguese ship off course arrived in japanese waters
  • Jan 1, 1543

    The Portuguese intoduced firearms to Japan

    The Portuguese intoduced firearms to Japan
    After being blown off course by a storm Portuguese traders shipwrecked near Tangeshima island. Intrigued by the portuguese firearms, the local Daiymo warlord bought to guns ordered his sword smith to make copies then asked the portuguese for shooting lessons.
  • Jan 1, 1549

    Saint francis

    Saint francis
    Saint Francis Xavier, a portuguese missionary, arrived in Japan. The Portuguese were the most successful Europeans in iniatting world trade argeements with the Japanese.
  • Jan 1, 1568

    Nobunaga permits christian missionary work

    Nobunaga permits christian missionary work
    he was the first daiymo ever to incorperate firearms in his battle strtegies but not only that he welcomed the christian jesuit missionaries to japn help.
  • Jan 1, 1582

    Japanese Daimyos converted to Christianity

    Japanese Daimyos converted to Christianity
    By 1582, Portuguese Jesuits, Catholic missionaries, and Dominicans reported 200, 000 people including many Japanese Daimyos and their families were converted tyo christianity.
  • Toyotomi banneds Christianity from Japan

    Toyotomi banneds Christianity from Japan
    Japanese shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi banned Christianity in Japan and ordered all Christians to leave. Although the order was not immediately enforced. A decade later, the crackdown began, and 26 Christians were crucified.
  • Hideyoshis army invade Korea

    Hideyoshis army invade Korea
    Toyotomi Hideyoshis sent an army to invade Korea after Korea refused to help him invade China. This set off a war that lasted 6 years.
  • Hideyoshi kills 26 Christians

    Hideyoshi kills 26 Christians
    In 1597 Hideyoshi intensified the persecution in Japan. As a warning hed had 24 Christians arrested in kyoto amon them 19 Japanese and two young boys.
  • Tokugawa expels Christians missionaries form Japan

    Tokugawa expels Christians missionaries form Japan
    To maintain political stability, Ieyasu issued the Christian Expulsion Edict prohibiting all Christian activity among Japanese.
  • Portuguese banned form Japan

    Portuguese banned form Japan
    After the shimabara rebilion Iemitsu increaseingli saw christianity as a threat to the stability to Japan. Banned portuguese ships from Japans shores and expelled all foreingers.
  • Relaxtion on the ban importation of foreign books to Japan

    Relaxtion on the ban importation of foreign books to Japan
    Ban lifted on the importation of foreign books and chinese translations (with the exception of books directly concerned with Christianity).
  • Commodore perry invades uraga bay

    Commodore perry invades uraga bay
    American commodore Matthew Perry led an expedtion to open diplomatic and commercial realtions between Japan and the united states.