Fetal Development Timeline

  • First Trimester

    First Trimester
    Day one: The egg is fertilized and a human life begins.
  • Month One:

    Month One:
    In the first month, the egg is fertilized and a human life begins. Also, the embryo begins implantation in the uterus. After this, the heart begins beating with the child's own bloo which is typically different than the mother's. By the end of the third week, the nervous system and the spinal column is forming and the liver and kydneys start to develop.
  • Month 2:

    Month 2:
    At month 2, the eyes, legs, lips, mouth, fingernails, and hands start to develop. Also, the toes and nose start to develop. By the end of the month, the organs are in place and the bones start to develop as well.
  • Month 3:

    Month 3:
    At month 3, the baby can breathe and also urinate. Also, the babies already have working organs, a skeletal structure, nerves, and circulation. At this point, the baby can already experience pain and the vocal chords are already developed. In addition, the babies taste buds are already like an adult's taste buds.
  • Second Trimester:

    Second Trimester:
    The baby is now call a fetus.
  • Month 4:

    Month 4:
    At the begining of the fourth month, bone marrow is starting to form. Also, by this point, the baby can dream. By the end of the 4th month, the baby will be up to 8-10 inches.
  • Month 5:

    Month 5:
    By week 20, the baby can now recognize it's mother's voice.
  • Month 6:

    Month 6:
    In the sixth month, babies can now survive with extensive medical care if it is born prematurely.
  • Third Trimester:

    Third Trimester:
    In this trimester, the baby is getting ready to leave the mother's womb.
  • Month 7:

    Month 7:
    By the seventh month, the baby now can inhale amniotic fluids into it's not yet developed lungs. The baby will now start to move more and it can now grasp the umbilical cord. Also, the baby is now 12 inches long and it can weigh up to 1 and a half pounds.
  • Month 8:

    Month 8:
    By the eighth month, the babies eyes and teeth are now in place. Also, by this time, the baby can open and close it's eyes. The baby is now also using it's five senses aswell as he can tell the difference from awake and asleep.
  • Month 9:

    Month 9:
    At month nine, the baby's skin starts to thicken aswell as fat is stored beneath the skin. Also, antibodies begin to be built. By the last week of the baby being inside of its mother's the baby drops it's head down to the pelvic cavity of its mother.