Fetal Development Product

  • Week One

    Week One
    Ovulation occurs in the female body, which is the time window for sperm to attach to an egg in order to begin fertilization.
  • Period: to

    First trimester

  • Period: to

    Neural tube Defect prevention

    Neural tube defect can be avoided by consuming enough folic acid in the first three months of pregnancy
  • Week Two

    Week Two
    If a sperm successfully penetrates an egg, then fertilization begins. The egg will travel through the fallopian tubes into the uterus, where the female body has prepared a cushioning for the egg to develop.
  • Week Three

    Week Three
    The Blastocyst begins producing the hormone HCG which tells the ovary to stop releasing eggs.
  • Week Four

    Week Four
    Now officially an Embryo, is now the size of a poppy seed.
  • Week Six

    Week Six
    Nose,Mouth and ears are starting to develop as well as the brain and intestines.
  • Week Eight

    Week Eight
    Embryo is developing its lungs now and has started moving. Embryo is now the size of a kidney bean.
  • Week Nine

    Week Nine
    Embryo has finally lost its tail. Basic Physical features have been placed.Now the size of a grape.
  • Week Ten

    Week Ten
    Embryo has finally completed its critical development . Embryo is also developing features such as finger nails. Baby is now the size of a kumquat.
  • Week Twelve

    Week Twelve
    Now officially considered a fetus .Diaphragm is developing and baby is now beginning to open and close its fingers and toes.Reflexes have started to show.Now size of a plum.
  • Week Fourteen

    Week Fourteen
    Fetus has begun to use its facial muscles and now the size of a lemon.
  • Period: to

    Second Trimester

  • Week Fifteen

    Week Fifteen
    Fetus is not able to open eyes yet but can now sense light. Baby is now the size of an apple.
  • Week Seventeen

    Week Seventeen
    Fetus is now able to move its joints.Umbilical cord is now also thicker and stronger.Fetus is now the size of a turnip.
  • Week Eighteen

    Week Eighteen
    Fetus is now developing a protective coat of Myelin forming around its nerves.This means the brain is now developing even more. Fetus is now the size of a bell pepper
  • Week Nineteen

    Week Nineteen
    Fetus has now developed its senses. Can now hear your voice and can follow sounds. Fetus is now the size of an heirloom tomato.
  • Week Twenty

    Week Twenty
    Fetus's digestive system is developing Meconium. You are now able to know the sex of the baby ! Baby is now the size of a banana.
  • Week Twenty-one

    Week Twenty-one
    Fetus is now starting to move more in the womb. Movements are now more painful.Fetus is now size of a carrot.
  • Week Twenty-two

    Week Twenty-two
    Fetus is developing more distinct features. Fetus is now sleeping in cycles for 12-14 hours at a time.Now the size of a squash.
  • Week Twenty-Three

    Week Twenty-Three
    Fetus is developing its senses even more which means it picks up sound even more because its ears are developing.Fetus is size of a large mango.
  • Week Twenty-Four

    Week Twenty-Four
    Fetus's skin is slowly becoming more opaque as capillaries form. Fetus is now the size of a cantaloupe.
  • Week Twenty-five

    Week Twenty-five
    The Fetus is finally gaining more weight and filling in its skin. Hair is growing and gaining its pigmentation.Fetus is now size of an average rutabaga
  • Week Twenty-Six

    Week Twenty-Six
    Fetus is now developing its lungs by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.Fetus is also developing and strengthening its immune system by taking in the mothers antibodies. fetus is now the size of a cabbage head.
  • Week Twenty-Seven

    Week Twenty-Seven
    Fetus's brain activity is very high. This is the end of the mothers second trimester which means the fetus could survive outside the womb . Fetus is now the size of a head of cauliflower.
  • Week Twenty-eight

    Week Twenty-eight
    Fetus is now developing eyesight and is now able to blink.Skin is also smoother and more filled out because the fetus if developing more fat. Fetus is continuing to practice breathing and is now the size of a large eggplant.
  • Period: to

    Third Trimester

  • Week Twenty-nine

    Week Twenty-nine
    The Fetus's head is growing in order to make room for its growing and developing brain. Fetus is also gaining strength . Fetus is the size of a butternut squash.
  • Week Thirty

    Week Thirty
    Fetus now has the strength to hold and grasp a finger.
  • Week Thirty-two

    Week Thirty-two
    Fetus is now getting into position for its descent.Baby is now the size of a large Jicama.
  • Week Thirty-five

    Week Thirty-five
    The fetus's nervous system is developing and maturing alongside her lungs. Kidneys are fully developed and can process some waste.
  • Week Thirty-seven

    Week Thirty-seven
    Although fetus is mostly developed its lungs and brain are still maturing and have more growing to do.Fetus is breathing,sucking and blinking and developing more skills.
  • Week Thirty-Eight

    Week Thirty-Eight
    Fetus's eyes are not fully pigmented yet.Fetus may now have around an inch of hair .Contractions for the mom begin to become a daily thing.
  • Week Forty

    Week Forty
    Mom has now reached full term and the fetus is ready to be born ! The fetus is still developing hair and nails and working on continuing to develop its lungs.The fetus will now be closely monitored to make sure everything is going well in hopes of having a natural birth without induction.