
Federalism Timeline

  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    This document was the guide for government from 1781-1787. It created a weak central government without an executive branch in fear of tyranny. Once realized that it gives states too many individual rights, it is decided that the Constitution must be created. Although the Articles of Confederation lead to the Constitution which is more federal power, the document itself favors states power.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention was a large group of scholars and wealthy men who went to argue for and write the Constitution. Many famous leaders attending include Ben Franklin, George Washington, and James Madison. The fate of the future of the United States was in these men's hands. This is why it was kept secret to ensure that there would be no panic or outside involvement. This would create more federal power because the Consitiution would become the supreme law of the land.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    The tenth amendment was created to give the states the power left over that was not given to the federal government. The powers are also given to the people if they are not explicitly stated. The power is clearly given to the states because now they still have reasonability and control over their state.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    Gibbons vs. Ogden
    The court case started because of a steam boat monopoly in New York. Aaron Ogden was allowed to work in New York because of Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston. Thomas Gibbons was allowed to work the waterways because he had a federal coasting license. These two boats competed with each other which led to the famous court case. This court case favored federal power in the end because of the commerce clause which allows the federal government to regulate commerce among the states.
  • Dred Scott vs. Sandford

    Dred Scott vs. Sandford
    Dred Scott had been a slave in Missouri and moved to Illinois where he gained his freedom. However, when he returned to Missouri, it was said that he was still a slave. He filed a court case since living in a free state made him a free man, but lost and remained a slave. This court case gave more power to the state because it is state based on the their views on slavery.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War was fought between the North and South of the United States. The main cause of the war was the argument over the use of slaves and their monetary value. Once the South loses, they join the union again and were aided in rebuilding much of the South. This event gains federal power because the Southern states now rely on a central government to help clean up their mess.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    This amendment was granted after slavery was abolished in the 13th amendment. The 14th amendment now granted citizenship to all persons in the United States. This grants more power to the federal government because states have no say in the basic rights of any citizen.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    This act was created to stop monopolies that would prevent fair trade. Commerce and trade were protected by this act. This act gave power to the federal government because the use of the commerce clause.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Segregation was becoming a common practice in the United States when it was taken to court. When argued, it was found that it did not violate the 14th amendment to separate by race. Therefore, separate but equal was not unlawful. This court case gave the states more power because they could now choose to segregate or not and it would still be lawful.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    This act was introduce to ensure the quality and safety of the food and drugs sold. Items now had to be inspected in order to be sold. This act was inspired by Upton Sinclair's. "The Jungle" a story that told the horrors of food production. The act gave power to the federal government because they now had control over all food and drug regulations within states.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    The amendment gave Congress the right to collect taxes. In the amendment it says that Congress does not have to refer to the states about these matters. This gave the federal government power because they did not need a states permission to collect taxes.
  • McCulloch vs. Maryland

    McCulloch vs. Maryland
    A national bank was established in Maryland and the state decided to tax it. However McCulloch refused to pay the tax for he argued that a national bank was not clearly stated in the Constitution. However, it was found that Congress did have the right to set up the bank because of the necessary and proper clause. This court case gave power to the federal government because it allowed them to make whatever laws they deem necessary and to enforce the necessary and proper clause.
  • Gitlow vs. New York

    Gitlow vs. New York
    A man was arrested for talking about overthrowing the government. He argued that this was a use of his right to freedom of speech. The court decided that the state could not take away his first amendment right. Selective incorporation was created for this reason which prohibits the states from taking away a persons rights found in the Bill of Rights. This created federal power because it foreced the states to follow the bill of rights.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    Programs were created in the Great Depression aimed at restoring a better economic state. It was put in place by Franklin D. Roosevelt in hopes of providing relief to those effected by the Depression. This created federal power because the states now how to rely on the federal government for funding.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Segregation was very prominent in public schools in the South mostly. It was argued that this act went against the 14th amendment. This court case repealed the "separate but equal" rule that was found in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case. This ruling affected states power more because they are in charge of the schools and it was very slow to take off.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The act outlaws discrimination of any kind (i.e. race,sex,religion). It also allows equality for voters, employment, and federally assisted programs. This act created federal power because states were foreced to follow the rules set by it.
  • Economic Opputunity Act of 1964

    Economic Opputunity Act of 1964
    This act was to help reduce poverty in the United States. Community Action Agencies, are non profit organizations that work on empowering the poor which was created in the Community Action Program. This act affected state power because the agencies were based locally and it was their job to improve poverty.
  • Election of Ronald Reagan

    Election of Ronald Reagan
    Reagans being elected introduced "reaganomics" , or the economic policies that he implemented. This included reducing government spending, federal income tax, government regulation, and inflation. He believed that government should step back and let the systems work themselves out. The election and his view on government regulation lead to more state power because there was less federal government involvement.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This act was created to diminish discrimination against someone with a disability. It also states that employers must provide accommodations to employees with disabilities. This act gained federal power because it was enforced in all states.
  • United States vs. Lopez

    United States vs. Lopez
    Lopez, a senior in high school, accidentally brought a gun to school. When he was caught, he was charged under Texas law. However these charges were dropped and federal charges were picked up instead which were more harsh. This added power to federal government because they took over a case from a state level showing that it is more powerful.
  • 104th Congress

    104th Congress
    This Congress meeting was set in order to decrease some welfare programs in the United States. Devolution was exemplified here since the federal government was handing some power over to the state level which increased the state power.
  • Printz vs. United States

    Printz vs. United States
    This court case happened because of the Brady Handgun Prevention Act which required a background check to keep people from buying multiple guns. However, it was ruled that it violated the 10th amendment because States would have to do the background checks when they don't have to. This would give the states more power because they can regulate gun control and background checks now.
  • September 11th, 2001

    September 11th, 2001
    This was the first terrorist attack on the United States. The federal government instantly set out to get revenge declaring it the "war on terror". This power is solely given to the federal government because they are the only form of government that can declare war.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This act was created to lessen the gap in achievement seen in schools. States created standards of learning and assessments to ensure that all students are able to move on. It seems that the states would have the greater power in this situation because they are in charge of their own schools. However it is actually the federal government because they determine if a school gets federal funding.
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    This act was created to expand health care coverage to a broader range of people. This act helped cut the uninsured population almost in half. This act helped the federal government deal with the health care crisis and therefore regain their power.