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Development of Federalism in the United States

  • Gibbons v Ogden

    Gibbons v Ogden
    This case is similar to McCulloh v. Maryland and finally directed to the Commerce Clause. The Commerce Clause gave the Congress the power to regulate the trade among the states and with foreign countries. This event gave the US. Government even more power.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy was important because of slavery abolishment, and for federalism in the United States since the states that were mostly fighting to get more power lost their war. Contrary to the southern states intention, the civil war resulted in an increase in the national government’s political power.
  • Dual federalism

    Dual federalism
    The period of time between the Civil War and the beginning of the 1930's in United States was known as the dual federalism (layer cake). This means that the State Government and the national are viewed as separate entities, like separate layers in cake. The national government is the top and the state government is the bottom layer. The two layers don’t mix, are completely separate. For the most part they would not exercise authority in the same areas.
  • "New Deal"

    "New Deal"
    President Roosevelt's "New Deal" promised Americans relief by stabilizing the economy. The new deal introduced major new laws regulating economic activity, such as the National Recovery Act of 1933 which established National recovery Administration (NRA) in order to restrict competition and regulate labor relations. The new deal included large-scale emergency antipoverty programs and also precedent for the Federal Government to play a key role in the economy of the nation.
  • Cooperative Federalism

    Cooperative Federalism
    By 1930’s with the great depression happening people were looking forward for the federal government to do something to solve the issue. Years went by so the government decided to find a solution and that is when the cooperative federalism happened “marble cake”. Under cooperative federalism the federal government and the state should work together in solving problems, and authority mixed again.
  • Categorical grants

    Categorical grants
    Categorical Grants are grants given by the national government based on the state's needs, population, or willingness to come up with matching funds. The US Government also uses this grants to pretty much customize implementation of programs. This funding requires states to apply for grants for specific programs. The programs grants give the national government a greater degree of control over state activities than formula grants.
  • FMLA"Nevada v. Hibbs "

    FMLA"Nevada v. Hibbs "
    In Nevada v. Hibbs the Court ruled that a state employees can sue the state for money damages for its failure to obey the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. The decision is a break from the court's recent tendency to expand states' rights.
  • Affordable Health Care Act

    Affordable Health Care Act
    The affordable Care act requires individuals to have health insurance either through an employer or by purchasing it through the market. The affordable Care act woks to make health care more affordable for low income families, seniors, or any person that does not have healthcare. Opponents of the law say that the requirement to buy a product or service is unprecedented, regulates inactivity rather than activity.