• Activists Burglarize FBI and Reveal COINTELPRO

    This operation is short for counterintelligence and was created to try to interrupt the Communist party.
  • Church Committee Investigation Begins

  • The First Attorney General Guidelines Issued

  • ABSCAM Sting Revealed

    The ABSCAM sting started in 1978. The FBI wanted to catch New York City's stolen art dealers and so they created a fake company in Long Island who wanted to invest in some artwork. The operation introduced the "company" to many criminals who dealt with fakes stocks and bonds. This operation taught the world that anyone could be a criminal, even government officials, and they too can be caught by the law.
  • Civiletti Informant Guidelines Issued

  • Smith Guidelines Revise Levi Guidelines

  • Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act

  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act

  • ACLU Exposes FBI Spying on Domestic Political Groups

  • Issues the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide

  • ACLU Launches "Mapping the FBI" Project

  • Guardian Reveals FBI Secretly Obtains Americans' Telephone Records

  • Apple vs FBI Battle