
farming tools

  • 5000 BCE

    Mesopotamian Civilization

    Mesopotamian Civilization
    The farmers of Mesopotamia were inventive. They made bronze hand tools, like hammers, sickles, axes, and hoes.
  • 3500 BCE

    Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    Indus valley used wooden plows pulled by oxen.
    The farmers used bronze tools.
  • 3000 BCE

    Egypt Civilization

    Egypt Civilization
    Ancient Egyptians had simple farming tools like winnowing scoops, hoes, rakes, flint-bladed sickles, plows. The material they used were wood, ivory, bone, and stone.
    A winnowing scoop is to separate the grain from the chaff/husk.
  • 1800 BCE

    Mayan Civilization

    Mayan Civilization
    To plant seeds with simple wooden sticks.
    When they had to slash down the vegetation on a field in order to dry and burn it, they typically made do with stone axes.
  • 1700 BCE

    Chinese Civilization

    Chinese Civilization
    Chinese people used iron plows.
    Another tool used by the chinese civilization is the waterwheels.
  • 800 BCE

    Greek Civilization

    Greek Civilization
    They watered their crops with the ancient Archimedean screw. The Archimedean screw is a tool used to move water up a slope. Other tools were the Archimedean snail and vine dresser’s knife. The materials they used were were copper , bronze or iron. They used iron for sickles. A sickle is a tools to cut corn or to trim different crops.
  • 26 BCE

    Roman Civilization

    Roman Civilization
    The fields were plowed with an ard-type plow which is basically a heavy stick pulled by an ox.
    Another tool used by the Romans is the reaping hook.
    Another tool was the sheep shear made out of iron.
  • 1428

    Aztec civilization

    Aztec civilization
    The materials the aztecs used for their tools were obsidian, copper, andesite, flint, wood .
    One of the tools were the copper axe.
    They also used the digging wooden stick.
  • 1438

    Inca Civilization

    Inca Civilization
    Chakitalka - a foot plow powered by humans which were used to sink into the earth and create a furrow.
    Wattana - an Inca soil buster
    Rawkana - a hoe made with a thin sheet of wood approximately 40cm.
  • Modern

    The first practical seed drill was made in the 1701 century.
  • Modern

    The flail was made in the mid-1800s.
    The scythes were one of the famous tools in the USA. They have not changed since the 18th century to the 20th century.
    The grass sickle was made in the 1850s.
    The one horse grain drill was made around 1870.
    The farm wagon was made in the 1880s
    The tractor was made in 1892.
    The iron or steel plow was made in the mid 19th century.
  • Modern

    The iron or steel plow was made in the mid 19th century.
    The harrow was built in the late 19th century.
  • Modern

    The scythes were one of the famous tools in the USA. They have not changed since the 18th century to the 20th century.
    Farmers started using satellite technology for their farming. This started in the 1990-2000.