
Farm Bill Timeline

  • 1973 farm bill act

    1973 farm bill act
    The 1973 Farm Bill resolved a lot of issues, but also raised a lot of issues. One issue that has been resolved is market orientation. They adopted the policy of being competitive in world markets, using their productive capacity to export crops and earn the foreign exchange needed to purchase imports and strengthen the dollar. An issue that was raised would be payment limitations. They had a limit of $20,000 per person. Prices were raised, putting less developed countries in Malthusian threat.
  • Period: to

    Farm Bill Timeline

  • food security act

    food security act
    Food stamp provisions: this amends the Food Stamp Act of 1977 to allow some community mental health centers to accept food stamps from residents suffering from drug and alcohol addiction as well as mental illness. It added four new categories of "disabled" people. It also authorizes special certification procedures in high-error project areas and also increases the income deduction from 18 to 20 percent.
  • 2018 farm act

    2018 farm act
    This farm bill provides important agricultural and nutritional policy extensions for 5 years, but also involves cannabis. Usually cannabis is not a nutrition assistance, but in this act it allows hemp products to be transferred across state lines for commercial purposes and puts no restrictions on the sale or possession of hemp products as long as it is with a manner consistent of the law. It does not let just anyone grow hemp whenever or wherever they want, it does come with those restrictions.