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Family Health Assessment Timeline

  • Great-Grandma was born

    Great-Grandma was born
    Great-Grandma worked part time and brought up Grandma and her siblings. About three years ago, she developed Alzheimer's disease. Despite the disease, she still lives at home.
  • Great-Grandpa is born

    Great-Grandpa is born
    Great-grandpa worked in a factory for a long period of his life. At this time period, there were not protective measures against dangerous chemical hazards and consequently, he died of lung cancer around the age of 50.
  • Great Aunt is born

    Great Aunt is born
    Great Aunt lives in Milwaukee nearby Grandma, Granddaughers, and Patient. She suffers from Lupus and has for a number of years. She is currently under medical treatment and care for it.
  • Grandma was born

    Grandma was born
    Maternal grandmother of the admitted patient was born April 4, 1970 in Chicago. She graduated from high school and pursued a career in nursing. She currently works as a medical technician. She has been divorced from husband for about four years, but remains close to her ex-mother-in-law. She currently lives in a home with her two daughters and granddaughter.
  • Grandpa was born

    Grandpa was born
    Maternal grandfather was born in Milwaukee. He has an education through high school and some college. He currently works as a carpenter and has for quite a few years. He has been divorced from maternal Grandmother for about four years and has remarried since. He occasionally suffers from asthmatic exacerbations, but has no other notable medical events.
  • Older Brother of Mother is born

    Older Brother of Mother is born
    Older brother of Mother was born in Milwaukee and completed education through high school degree. He is currently a homemaker, and lives with the mother of two of his children and two of his girlfriend's children. Older brother has no signifcant health conditions and is in good relationship with family and remains close.
  • Mother is born

    Mother is born
    Mother was born and raised in Milwaukee. She attended high school and college and got degrees in medical assistance and cosmotology. She has one daughter, who is the admitted patient at the hospital. Her pregnancy and delievery was difficult and yielded complications due to her condition of Uterus Didelphys. She has no other significant health conditions.
  • Younger Brother of Mother is Born

    Younger Brother of Mother is Born
    Younger brother of the mother was born in Milwaukee and was educated through high school and some college. He is currently contemplating a career as a veterinarian. He is currently single with no children. He was born prematurely and was low birth weight. The first two years of life he suffered from asthma, seizures, reoccuring ear infections, and underwent a blood transfusion (reasons for were unknown by interviewee). Complications leveled out by age two, despite occasional asthma exacerbations
  • Younger Sister of Mother is born

    Younger Sister of Mother is born
    Younger sister of mother currently lives in Milwaukee with mother, granddaughter, and niece. She is currently a sophomore in high school. She Is hoping to attend further education for music. She has no noted health problems by grandmother and is good relationship with her household members and is a form of support.
  • Grandma and Grandpa get married

    Grandma and Grandpa get married
    Grandma and Grandpa get married. They divorced around four years later. Grandma, her two daughters, and her granddaughter (patient) lived under the same household after this event. Grandpa went on to remarry about six months later.
  • Patient is born

    Patient is born
    Patient was born by cesaran at 32 weeks gestation due to complications of baby being in breach position and due to mother's condition of Uterus Didelphys. Other than premature birth and breach position complications, there were no other noted abnormalities.
  • Patient undergoes neurological screening

    Patient undergoes neurological screening
    Patient was admitted to hospical several days prior with reports of seizures, eye rolling, darting back and forth of eyes and flailing hands into the air. Patient and family wait upon MRI results after recieving normal EKG results. Infant health and neurological activity were normal until abrupt change in behavior leading to current hospitalization.