
  • Sep 16, 1492


    in 1492 columbus led his first expedition westward he landed in the Bahamas islands that he belived to be near asia
  • Sep 16, 1497

    john cabot

    king hernery sent cabot on a voyage to the west the english thought there might be water called this sought for route the northwest passage cabot landed far from the northern alantic coast of north america probably the island of newfoundland he failed to find the northwest passage
  • Sep 16, 1498


    in 1498 columbus reached south america
  • Sep 16, 1503

    juan ponce de leon

    set out with the ship and the crew his expedition landed on the east coast of florida the ship sailed down east florida coast and through florida key they cruised northward along the west coast of florda for about 100 miles
  • Sep 16, 1508

    juan ponce de leon

    in 1508-1509 he explored and settled the island of puerto rico back in spain king ferdinand authorized ponce de leon to explore lands north of cuba
  • Sep 15, 1520

    Lucas Vazquez de Allon

    one spaish officcal hade his eye on the mainland north of Florida was Lucass Vazquez de Ayllon he hade some of the Alantic coast line of this region on an expedition in1520
  • Sep 16, 1524

    giovanni de verrazano

    in 1524 king francis 1 of france sent italian navigator giovanni de verrazano westward verrazano first reached land north caronila outer banks verrazano then explored father up the coast returning tp france verrazano submitted a glowing report to the king
  • Jul 15, 1526

    Rio Jordan colony

    Ayllon led a group over 500 men wen and chrildern to a river called Jordan
  • Oct 15, 1526

    Rio Jordan

    the Rio Jordan colony filed due to a disease and starvation.in 1526 the 150 remaining colonist returned to Hospaniola.
  • Sep 15, 1539

    Hernando de Soto

    Hernando de Soto sailed with military expedition from Havana, Cuba to West coast Florida. from there they marched northward to a site near present -day Tallahassee,, Florida were they spent winter from 1539-1540
  • Apr 15, 1562

    Port Royal

    Ribault's Huguenots attempted to settel near present -day Port Royal South Caronila in his report to france jean ribault told why the colonist had chosen port royal
  • Sep 15, 1562

    Jean Ribault

    In 1562 France sent a colony under the command of Jean Ribault to North America the colonist were Huguenots or French Protestants
  • Sep 16, 1562


    huguenots were the colonist that were sent by the command of jean ribault or french protestants protestants were sometimes persecuted in catholic france as a result of some huguenots south religious freedom in the new world
  • Sep 15, 1564

    Gave up

    in 1564 the colonist gave upand returned to France despite the reportedly favorable conditions at Port Royal that same year anouther band of Huguenots led by Rene de Laudonniere setteled at Fort Caronila
  • Sep 16, 1564

    rene de laudonniere

    settled a fort caronila on the north florida coast jean ribault brought supply ships to the fort colonist gave up in 1564 and returned to france the same year anouther uenots of hug
  • Sep 15, 1565

    Pedro Menendez de Aviles

    Spain sent troops under Pedro Menendez de Aviles to Florida just South from Fort Caronoila Menendez built a fort at St. Augustine they were planning to attack but a storm come and wrecked his fleet however and menendez lost no time dealing with the unlucky french he captured fort caronila and killed most of the french defenders
  • Sep 16, 1565

    juan pardo hernando boyano

    soon after the victory at fort caronila spanish officals organized an expedition to explore again the interior country north of florida in the late 1566 juan pardo and hernando boyano lad a small group of men to the south caronila coast from there they pushed north and west on nearly the same route that de soto hade taken 25 years earlier