Explorations-Hailey Fricke

  • Sep 5, 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The black death was a plague that spread all over Europe, Asia, China, and part of Africa. The disease originated from rat fleas. It killed 1/3 of Europes populations and 25 million people. major world change started because of this.
  • Sep 5, 1347

    First Guns

    First Guns
    The first guns appear in Europe. Guns followed in the footsteps with the spread of gunpowder. They even catigorized this period in time as the gunpowder warfare period. The development of guns and powders still continue to improve today.
  • Sep 5, 1400

    Sailing Ships

    Sailing Ships
    Sailing Ships began to greatly improve. One of the types of ships is the, "junk" it was quick and easy to manuver. One of the things they wanted to be able to do with these modified ships was to travel upwind. They acheived this with great skill in the junk along with other ships created.
  • Sep 5, 1406

    Rediscovered map

    Rediscovered map
    A map that was drawn in the second century was rediscovered. The geographer Ptolomey discovered it in western Europe. It later became the best existing map of the world. It made columbus beleive that he could reach Asia by sailing west from Europe.
  • Sep 5, 1418

    School of Navigation

    School of Navigation
    Prince Henry was a great navigator. He decided to to organize a school of navigation. The base for explorations was in Cape St. Vincent in Portugal. The school was located in Europe.
  • Sep 5, 1420


    The first caravels are built. Originated in Asia. This is the first time a ship entered the Alantic Ocean to round the Cape of Good Hope. This was very difficult to do because the currents were nasty and against you.
  • Sep 5, 1431

    Chinese Reach Africa

    Chinese Reach Africa
    The first Chinese ship reaches Africa. They wanted to reach africa to expand their trading routes. They were able to reach Africa thanks to their new improved ships they built. They continued to travel to africa to trade and do other things.
  • Sep 5, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Guttensberg bible was the first works to be printed on a printing press. This printing press used movable type. This gave books the ability to be made inexpensively. This caused knowledge to spread more rapidly than every before.
  • Sep 5, 1442


    The first auction for slaves was held. It took place in Portugal. This was the first of many many many more auctions to come. Slaves were seperated from their families and given to whites.
  • Sep 5, 1487

    Bartholomeu Dias

    Bartholomeu Dias
    Bartholomeu Dias was a European Explorer. He was the first European to ever reach the Cape of Good Hope. The Cape of Good Hope was located on the southern tip of Africa. This was extrodinary considering the currents were so strong and difficult to fight through
  • Sep 5, 1492

    New World

    New World
    Christopher Columbus discovered the West Indes in the New world. He learned that compasses change the direction as the longitude changes. After many years, muslims are finals kicked out of Spanish territory. Thats when Leonardo Da Vinci begins to draw a plan for a flying machine.
  • Sep 5, 1493


    Christopher once again is exploring. This time he finds that native americans us tobacco as medicine. He took this information back to his home lands and spread the word. Europe then began growing tobacco and trading it once they discovered that it worked.
  • Sep 7, 1498

    New Continent

    New Continent
    Columbus is at it again. This time discovering a new continent. He thinks the land he has arrived on is just part of Asia. He returns home believing its just part of Asia and he hasn't discovered anything new.
  • Sep 5, 1499

    New world

    New world
    Amerigo Vespucci Takes a voyage to exactly where columbus just came from. He travled to the coast of South Africa. He decides that the land is definitely a new continent and not part of Asia at all. The Americas were later named after him
  • Sep 5, 1507

    New Map

    New Map
    The new world that Amerigo discovered was named America. A new map was now built including the new contintent. They thought there was just a south america. They still didnt know about north America so there was still more to discover.
  • Australia

    The last and final continent was discovered. They called in Australia. It was located southand the east of Asia. It was not very big. Australia was discovered by the Dutch. This completed the discovery of all the continents.