Exploration Of The New World

  • Apr 27, 1480

    Henry The Navigator

    Henry the navigator is a portugese prince who wanted to explore southward along the coast of Africa. The reason is that he wanted someone to find a route around that continent o=to the Spice Islands, near India.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus tought that Asia could be reached by sailing west from Europe. He practically begged the king adn queen of Spain, Ferdinand adn Isabella, to help him with money adn supplies for his expedition. When the king and queen agreed Columbus gave them credit adn wrote it down in his journal. ,
  • Mar 9, 1497

    Vasco Da Gama

    Through years 1497-1498 Vasco Da Gama found a route and sailed all the way to India.
  • May 24, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cbot was an Italian ling in England. King Henry sent him on a voyage to the West thinking that there would be a route through the Americas that would lead north adn west to Asia
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Juan Ponce De Leon

    Juan Ponce De Leon was a spanish official who explored asn settled in the island of Puerto Rico. King Ferdinand let Juan Ponce explore the lands of nort Cuba.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Giovanni Da Verrazzano

    Giovanni is an Italian navigator. King Francis the firt sent him him in 1524 westward. Verrazzano reached the Outer Banks of North Carolina but he thought he saw the Pacific ocean. When he reported back to the king, the king was to busy with everything else he didnt sponcer anymore voyages.
  • Sep 4, 1539

    Herando De Soto

    He sailed with the military expedition from Havana, Cuba, to the west coast of Florida.
  • King and Queen, Ferdinand and Isabella

    After Christopher Columbus asked them to supply them with ships, food, and a crew they agreed and thast when Columbus found Amercia on accident. The king adn the queen did get a bit of credit.