Evolution of the Presidency

  • The Constitution

    Framers of the Constitution did not want a powerful Executive branch. Most power was held by Congress
  • President Thomas Jefferson

    He unilaterally decided to purchase the Louisiana territory from France.
  • President Andrew Jackson

    expanded the presidency by rewarding loyal supporters with government appointments. Also, used the power of veto a great deal.
  • President Abraham Lincoln

    During the Civil War, he expanded the army and ordered blockades in the south. He also suspended Habeas Corpus and jailed people for disloyalty.
  • President Andrew Johnson

    Checks and Balances were used with the impeachment of President Johnson over how the south was reconstructed.
  • President Woodrow Wilson

    During WWI he took a leading role in international affairs and formulate bills for Legislation.
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Placed Japanese Americans in internment camps by executive order. During The Great Depression, he created the New Deal to provide economic relief.
  • President Harry S. Truman

    He used an Executive order to racially integrate the armed forces. He also took over the steel mills during the Korean War to prevent disruption in steel production. The Supreme Court then ruled against this action.
  • President Dwight D. Eisenhower

    He used an executive order to mobilize the Arkansas National guard to de-segregate the public schools.
  • President Richard Nixon

    He impounded funds for programs he opposed. The courts overturned this ruling and programs were funded.
  • President Jimmy Carter

    He used an Executive order to give thousands of acres of land in Alaska to the National Park Fund.
  • President Bill Clinton

    Checks and Balances were used to impeach President Clinton over charges of Purgury and Obstruction of Justice
  • Power Shift

    Over the past 70 years, power has shifted to the Presidency so that Congress and the President are basically equal. Through the years Presidents have used a broad interpretation of the Constitution, inherent powers, and executive orders to expand their power. The Constitution still limits the power of the presidency through checks and balances.
  • President George W. Bush

    He declared war on terrorism after 9/11. Also, used the Patriot Act to gather intelligence.