Evolution of cunean goats by chaosscribbler dbx4z13

Evolution of the Goat

  • 11,000 BCE

    The Domestication of Goats

    The Domestication of Goats
    Researchers had suggested that the Goat and the Sheep split into two separate species approximately 25 million years ago, and the hypothesis was that domestication of the goats started about 11,000 years ago near the Euphrates River Valley at the location of Nevali Cori, Turkey.
  • Period: 8500 BCE to 8100 BCE

    Adjustment to new lands

    Two scientists named Makarewicz and Tuross had discovered that in the isotopes they were inspecting in Israel, a species called the Basta goat had a different diet than another species there, which was the gazelle. This led to the discover that the goats were already being moved to wetter areas in the lands around the years 8500 and had access to many plants there that were available to eat.
  • 6500 BCE

    Spreading of Goats

    Spreading of Goats
    Through changing of goods and services, goats ended up spreading towards Africa into the Ethiopian Highlands through the years 6500 bc
  • Period: to

    Coming to America

    The first goats to be brought to America by English settlers during the span of the 1600's. The stock of goats weren't big until the 1800's. Texas became the center of production from goats and up until the 1900's, the south were the only parts where pure Spanish Goats survived
  • Today's World of Goats.

    Today's World of Goats.
    As of today, there are over 300 species of goats, living from almost every part of the world. From the South Asia countries to countries in the Middle East. In conditions hot and cold and very difficult places to live. This is a very astonishing revelation showing how goats have really impacted the world.
  • References

    (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2018, from https://livestockconservancy.org/index.php/heritage/internal/heritage-goats
    Hirst, K. K. (n.d.). Why Would Anyone Try to Domesticate a Goat? Retrieved October 2, 2018, from https://www.thoughtco.com/the-domestication-history-of-goats-170661P., F., S., L., C., E., . . . F.
  • References

    (2009, September 03). Tracing the History of Goat Pastoralism: New Clues from Mitochondrial and Y Chromosome DNA in North Africa | Molecular Biology and Evolution | Oxford Academic. Retrieved October 2, 2018, from https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/26/12/2765/1538273