Evolution of Disability Services

  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
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    • This was the first school that children with disabilities could go and get an education. Constructed in Hartford, Connecticut, it was the place to have this education in the Western Hemisphere. • The mission of this school was to provide the intellectual development and an enhanced quality of life, producing educated and self-reliant people. Kids look at this school as a place for hope of a better future.
  • Columbia Institution of the Deaf Dumb and Blind

    Columbia Institution of the Deaf Dumb and Blind
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    • The institution in 1864 was authorized by the United States Congress to grant people who were deaf and blind a college degree. This was one of the world’s first organizations to set up a college like this. • There was a shift in the age of people who were being helped, not only were adults being helped but so was the younger generation to build up a confidence level in the younger people.
  • Eugenics

    picture link • A developed movement in the late 1800’s was a something called Eugenics. This was the thought that if you whittled out the unwanted aspects of human life you could ultimately create the perfect race.
    • Since people with disabilities were looked at as unwanted the United States put up restrictions. More times then not people with disabilities were prohibited to move to the US and have children.
  • League for the Physically Handicapped

    League for the Physically Handicapped
    Picture link • With the Works Progress Administration it helped create better working conditions for the middle class but left out a major group in the population. When the people went to get their papers stamped, the people with disabilities were turned down from common jobs because they weren’t qualified to hold the positions available. So a group of people got together to protest this.
  • World War II

    World War II
    <ahref='http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/308568336d5a96e0d9971eaff22a0b26_1M.png' >Picture link </a>
    • During the reign of Hitler he tried to create a master race, with people being blond hair and blue eyed. Hitler executed all of the people that were not up to his standards. Like the Jews, many people with disabilities were sent off to concentration camps. Hitler ordered killing people with physical and mental disabilities. The Nazi's referred to these people as the "life unworthy of life.
  • American Red Cross

    American Red Cross
    Picture Link Henry Viscardi trained hundreds of people to use their prosthetic limbs. These soldiers had lost their limbs due to combat in the war. His work done at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in our nation’s capital drew the attention of Howard Rusk and Eleanor Roosevelt who later protested when Viscardi’s program was terminated.
  • Community Health Centers

    • In 1963 John F. Kennedy called for the restoration and revitalization of the disability services. He created better health programs, educational systems, and rehabilitation for aid.
    • The Community Health Centers Construction Act authorized federal grants for the construction of public and private mental health facilities.
  • Civil Rights Acts

    Civil Rights Acts
    picture link Hubert Humphrey tries to establish an amendment in the Civil Rights Act that would include people with disabilities as a protected class. The attempt of the amendment did not go through because authority was afraid that this progress would open the CRA up to scrutiny and would result in new and damaging amendments in the years to come.
  • Education for children with disabilities

    Education for children with disabilities
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    • This act allowed children with disabilities to have the same rights as a normal child. With the help of this these children could live a normal life giving them the ability to be normal and grow up into a independent adult
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    Best Buddies

    • This group is a group to give one on one friendship between teens with and without disabilities. As a student at MHS I can see that someone is always left out of the picture because they aren’t cool enough or have a disability. I wish that everyone learned to have respect for those who are different and except the fact that not everyone is the same. As the president of Best Buddies I hope that our group will spread the message to treat people with respect and dignity.
  • Americans with Disabilites Act and the No Child Left Behind Act

    Americans with Disabilites Act and the No Child Left Behind Act
    Picture Link • As George W. Bush came into office he would create the two most influential bills in the course of the disabilities history. This act was thought as one of the most sweeping legislation on this topic. It requires local, state, and federal businesses to make them accommodate people with disabilities to make life easier for them.