eventsin early america

  • Period: Oct 1, 1400 to

    events in early americs

  • Jan 1, 1492

    the americns, west africa,and europe

    the americns, west africa,and europe
    in north america, each native american group had a unique culture adapted to the climate resources.
  • Oct 1, 1492


    most native american groups viewed that they can share the resources
  • early british colonies

    early british colonies
    James town,virgina was the first perminent english colony in the americas.
  • puritan colonies

    puritan colonies
    they setteled in massachusetts, where thier puritan church dominated thier comunity
  • dutch colonies

    dutch colonies
    the dutch established the frist colony in what is now new york
  • john winthrop

    john winthrop
    john winthrop was a purtian who belived that the english church needed reforming
  • john winthrop influences

    john winthrop influences
    he quickly became influential among the leaders who chose him to be govener before the massachuttes bay copany sailed to north america
  • colonial resistance and rebellion

    colonial resistance and rebellion
    the king started to tax the british colonies to pay off the debt they owe
  • tension in boston

    tension in boston
    british soliders fierd on a mob and killed several colonist, promting angry colonial leaders to call the event as the boston massacre
  • The war for independence

    The colonist fought for their freedom from the British
  • Cultures clash

    Native Americans of the Great Plains followed a way of life on the horses and buffalo.
  • The market revolution

    People increasingly bought goods rather than make what they needed
  • the jefferson era

    the jefferson era
    jefferson expanded american territory. he bought the vast louisiana territory from france. the land streched from the mississippi river to the rocky mountians.
  • reforming american socierty

    reforming american socierty
    americans experienced a rise in religious sentiment known as the second great awakening.The movement emphasized emotional individual conversion
  • civil war

    civil war
    the nroth and south had diffrent ideas abou afican americans
  • Reconstruction and its effects

    Lincoln devised a plan for reconstruction a period of rebuilding the nation and remitting southern states to the nation
  • Dawes act

    Reservations were broken up and some land was given to each adult head of the family for farming.
  • Expansion of industry

    Fuel in the form of kerosene refined from oil or coal helped spur growth
  • Social warefare

    The Americans put all the Japanese children in a different school so they wouldn't be mixed with American childern