
Events Leading to WWII

  • Anglo-German Naval Agreement

    Anglo-German Naval Agreement
    The German Reich and Great Britain reached an agreement regulating the size of their respective navies
  • The 1935 Neutrality Act is signed

    The 1935 Neutrality Act is signed
    An expression of desire to avoid any action that might involve the U.S. in war.
  • Germany Violates Treaty of Versailles

    Germany Violates Treaty of Versailles
    Germany miltarizied Rhileland and under the Treaty the allies occupied the Rhineland for 15 years.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    The Spanish Civil War begins and Germany helps out Fransico Franco. Germany was very influencial in some of his victories
  • Axis Powers Formed

    Axis Powers Formed
    Germany signs a treaty with Japan and Italy; later becoming the main antagonists of WW2.
  • Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact

    Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact
    The Anti-Comintern pact was directed againest Communism and the Soviet Union
  • Hitler Youth expands to 5 million members

    Hitler Youth expands to 5 million members
    The Hitler Youth a paramilitary Nazi group and it was manditory the boys between the ages of 10-18 join.
  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident

    Marco Polo Bridge Incident
    A battle between Chinese and Japanese armies and is seen as the start of the second Sine-Japanese war
  • Germany Annexes Austria

    Germany Annexes Austria
    Austria was the first country to be annexed by Hitler's Germany.
  • The Munich Agreement is Signed

    The Munich Agreement is Signed
    France, Germany, the U.K., and Italy all sign it. It was seen as a way to appease Germany
  • Hitler Gives Approval to Plan Z

    Hitler Gives Approval to Plan Z
    5 year plan aimed at expanding the Nazi Germany naval fleet.
  • German Troops enter Prague

    German Troops enter Prague
    Captures Czechoslovakia which was in complete violation of the Munich Agreement.
  • Neville Chamberlin gives speech

    Neville Chamberlin gives speech
    British Prime Minister warns in a speech that Britain will fight back againest any attempt to control the world by Germany.
  • Hitler renounces two different agrrements

    Hitler renounces two different agrrements
    During a speech before the Reichstag Hitler renounced the Anglo-German Naval Agreement and the German Polish Agression Act.
  • Poland is invaded by Germany

    Poland is invaded by Germany
    Germany invades the country of Poland, ultimately starting World War II.