Events leading to the American Revolution

  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act taxed molasses and sugar for the colonists of Britain. Britain needed the money because Parliament still had to pay for the war.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act taxed stamps, legal documents, licenses, newspapers, other publications, and even playing cards for the colonists of Britain.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts taxed glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea for the colonists of Britain. Britain needed the money to allow tax collectors to search for smuggled goods.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a street fight between a patriot mob and a squad of British soldiers. In total, 5 people were killed in this massacre
  • The Boston Tea Party

    On the night of December 16, 1773, colonists disguised as Indians sneaked onto 3 ships filled with tea and dumped more than 340 tea chests into Boston Harbor.