Events Leading to Declaration of Independence

  • Sugar Act

    Tax placed on sugar and molasses that was imported into the colonies
  • Stamp Act

    Tax on newspaper and official documents in the American Colonies
  • The Quartering Act

    Act passed by the British government to force colonists to quarter British soldiers
  • Townshend Act

    Placed taxes on paper, glass, lead, paint, paper and tea
  • Boston Massacre

    street fight between patriots and British soldiers; left 5 colonists dead
  • Tea Act

    Passed by British governent; made east India tea the only tea allowed in the American colonies. Lead to Boston Tea Party
  • Boston Tea Party

    Sons of Liberty boarded shios docked in the Boston Harbor and threw over 300 chests of tea overboard
  • Intolerable Acts

    Closed ports of Boston except to that of Great Britain: Quartering Act is a part of these acts
  • First Contential Congress

    Representatives from every colony (except Georgia) met to discuss action to take on Intolerable Act
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Colonists sent troops to Boston to fight British soldiers; first shots fired for the American Revolution; Paul Revere, the British are coming;
  • Second Continental Congress

    Olive Branch Petition drafted; King refsed it and claimed the colonies were in rebellion
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    British won battle of Bunker Hill only because colonists ammunition runs out; British Army suffered a great blow to their forces from this battle.
  • Delcaration of Independence

    Fifty men signed the Declaration of Independence; declaration of freedom from Great Britain