Eva Latin America WW1

  • Naval Service Act

    Naval Service Act
    Creation of Canadian military, a sign of growing autonomy, even though it is small
  • Period: to

    Mexican Civil War

    led by Carranza and other leaders, began to overthew opressive reign of Porfirio Diaz.
    - Physical damage on Mexico
    Railroads were bankrupt
    1,000/20,000 mi of telegraph wire destroyed
    50% of estate were wasted
    $1 billion of foreign debt
    - People
    Lost of 900,000 inhabitants in Mexico (plague, famine, emigrate)
    100,000 people in army, consume 60% of budget
  • Conservatives win Canada

    Conservatives win Canada
    Borden and the Conservatives win, beating Laurier and his failed attempts of reciprocity with US + fear of bieng overtaken by US. This is a step closer to Brtiain from the previous liberal gov.
  • Period: to


  • Peru suggested that all LA countries agree on a common policy to protect international trade

    Peru suggested that all LA countries agree on a common policy to protect international trade
  • Canada enters WW1

    Canada enters WW1
    Brtain declared war on Germany, so as a dominion, Canada automatically entered the war agaisnt Britain.
  • US Declares Neutrality

    US Declares Neutrality
    US Declares Neutrality, taking a stance on the conflict, Wilson hoping this will allow him to influence peacemaking decisions + continue trade with all countries.
  • Wartime Measures Act

    Wartime Measures Act
    allowed government to suspend civil liberties in the interests of the war effort, used against enemy aliens aka. Canadians of German Descent.
  • Canadian Patriotic Fund

    (not specific day)
    set up to preserve economic status of families of those who had volunteered to fight. Moderate success sometimes seen as meddling.
  • Pan-American Financial Conference

    Pan-American Financial Conference
    Conference with the purpose of uniting South American countries to unite to respond to Central and Southern American Issues --> countries uniting. discuss of continent-wide neutrality. He believed the war was an opportunity to extend its power in Latin America. This was a deliberate snub towards the US.
  • German Declare Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    German Declare Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare and that all ships even from neutral nations, around British waters will be sunk.
  • Lusitania Sunk

    Lusitania Sunk
    Significant because US civilians killed by submarine warfare of Germany.
  • Imperial Munitions Board

    Imperial Munitions Board
    After issues with the Shell Committe (accused of corruption and defectuous products), Imperial Munitions Board set up to be responsible for war production.
  • Strong US Trade with allies

    Strong US Trade with allies
    US trade with Allies estimates at 3.2 billion, this is tem times the trade of US with Germany --> stronger ties
  • Black Tom Munitions

    Black Tom Munitions
    Munitions plant outside of New York Explodes, Germans are suspected though no one ever brought to trial or convincted. --> Growing ani-German sentiment.
  • Brazilian vessel Rio Branco sunk

    Brazilian vessel Rio Branco sunk
    Brazil had sizeable merchant fleet that suffered due to damages of unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • US Lever and Food Control Act

    US Lever and Food Control Act
    (No specific date)-
    - set wheat prices
    - establish gov to buy US and Cuban sugar to maintain supplies
    - organise campaigns to eat sensibly in order to avoid rations
  • New Mexican Timeline

    New Mexican Timeline
    Article 27: Foreigners could not buy Mexican land unless they were prepared to accept Mexican law, subsoil deposits belonged to Mexican government (taxed)
    Response to foreign interest in mining and oil interest
    Consequence: US restrict its imports to Mexico
  • Failure to Organise Neutrality Conference in Buenos Aires

    Failure to Organise Neutrality Conference in Buenos Aires
    Tell-tale sign of underlying disparity in positions.
  • German resumption of Submarine Warfare

    German resumption of Submarine Warfare
    failure of the Sussex Pledge, growing tension between Germany and US.
  • Zimmerman Telegram Discovered

    Zimmerman Telegram Discovered
    The US finds out that Germany proposed to Mexio to go to war with US in exchange for the promise of Texas and New Mexico --> inneffective but symbolic.
  • Period: to

    German U-Boat Sinkings

    German U-Boat sinks 1 million Allied supplies , putting the Allies in a vulnerable position.
  • Imperial War Cabinet

    Imperial War Cabinet
    Imperial War Cabinet created, giving more say to the dominions in the war making decisions. Set a precedent for Canadian Independence.
  • Prohibition in Canada

    Prohibition in Canada
    Prohibtion implemented to save ressources as well as moral argument to protect young troops
  • The Parana sunk (Brazil)

    The Parana sunk (Brazil)
    Brazil had sizeable merchant fleet that suffered due to damages of unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • US Declares War on Germany

    US Declares War on Germany
    After resumption of submarine warfare + Zimmerman Telegram + Anti-German growing sentiment
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    This was an example of the serious losses Canada suffered, cost over 10 600 losses.
  • German offensive letter towards Argentine leaders leaked

    German offensive letter towards Argentine leaders leaked
    a letter from the German Minister in Buenos Aires was intercepted and published in US newspapers. This insulted many Argentine leaders calling them “pompous ass”, and insinuating that Argentine ships should either be completely left alone or “sunk without a trace” → this meant all survivors could be machine gunned to death so there would be no witness of the sinking and no blame towards Germany.
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    Act which could impose fines and up to twenty years of imprisonment to those who were suspected of supporting the enemy. Caused the closing of many newspapers and limited civil rights.
  • Period: to

    Strikes in Sau Paulo ans Rio de Janiero

    Civil unrest + strikes cause by the crippling pains of inflation due to issues with trade. In Sao Paulo it succeeded in gaining higher wages, but in general the effort in brazil for better working conditions was innfecient.
  • War Industries Board

    War Industries Board
    set uo to co-ordinate the tasks and finances of supplies
  • Compulsory Service Act

    Compulsory Service Act
    Conscription was implemented in Canada, wildely unpopular led to resentment. It was put in place so Canada could maintain its influence in war making decisions.
    - french canadians
    - farmers
    - others
  • Military Voter's Act

    Military Voter's Act
    Further assured the success of Borden's Unionist party by extending vote to all military personnel including women.
  • Panama Canal Opened

    Panama Canal Opened
    Opening of the Panama Csnal facilitated trade with US and Latin American Countries.
  • War Times Election Act

    War Times Election Act
    Ensured support for Borden's Unionist Party by:
    - allowing vote to female relatives of those in service
    - taking the vote away from immigrants having entered Canada later than 1902.
  • Brazil Declares War on Germany

    Brazil Declares War on Germany
    Brazil declares war on Germany because another ship the Macau being sunk. Was fed up with submarine Warfare.
  • Russia Withdrawal from War

    No specific date, but this weakened the Allies, pressuring the US to enter into the War.
  • Victory of Unionist Party

    Victory of Unionist Party
    Controversial election, showd Borden's party as winner. Laurier refused to be part of Unionist party.
  • Wilson Announces 14 Points

    Wilson Announces 14 Points
    (no specific date). This is what Wilson had been most concerned with during the entire duration of the War.
  • National War Labor Board

    National War Labor Board
    set up to was set up to facilitiate industrial relations and effective working arrangements. (settle industrial disputes + set wages and employment standards)
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Extension of Espionage act but listed eight precise criminal offences.
  • Armistice Signed

    Armistice Signed
    This signified the beginning of the Peace Making effortd Wilson had so been looking forward to.
  • Armistice Signed

    Armistice Signed
    Canada signed the Armistice, hoping to define new, more independent relation with Britain in Paris Peace Conference, (unsucessful).
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Wilson begins to actively try and implement League of Nations and have it be part of treaties passed.
  • Tragic week

    Tragic week
    lowest point on the post-war industrial unrest
    Jan 3rd- British owned Vasena strikers became violent when they fired on police. Jan 7th- battled with the police again and lost 5 of their members. Jan 9th- at the funerals there were riots and attacks on property throughout the city
  • Senate Rejected US membership of League of Nations

    Senate Rejected US membership of League of Nations
    Wilson very ill, and unwilling to compromise, toured country trying to rally support. Bad health + inability to discuss compromise causes the US to not join league of nations.
  • Peace Treaties Passed without League of Nations clause

    Wilson resigned, failure or League of Nations to truly gain traction.