European Revolutions

  • Hungary Falls

    Escaping from Communist control, Hungary starts free elections for political spots in early 1989. On May 2, Hungary started to destroy their 150 mile border to the west, allowing the flow of East Germans.
  • Polish Start

    The independent Polish Labor Union Solidarity finally won the Polish regime elections after years of protest and struggle.
  • East German Protests

    After seeing the examples of other Eastern European Communist bloc countries, East Germans start to protest for democracy in Berlin Square.
  • East German Goverment

    After pressure from other countries and their own people, the East German government resigns from power, allowing a new government into office.
  • Breach of the Border

    After the fall of their government, many East Germans wanted to be able to reconnect with the West Germany side. The thousands of protesters are eventually let through the border.
  • Velvet Revolution

    The Velvet Revolution was a peaceful movement in Czechoslovakia. After protests of over 200,000 in the Czech capital, the entire Communist Party in Czech resigned.
  • Malta Summit

    The Malta Summit was a meeting between George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.
  • Romanian Protests

    Romania follows the lead of most other block countries, protesting against their Communist government. After failed attempts to put down the revolutionists, Nicolae Ceausescu, the Romaina ruler, falls to the protesters.