
European Explorations of the East

  • 200 BCE


    The invention of the astrolabe makes navigation easier. It helped explorers and sailors figure out where they were.
  • Apr 20, 1116


    The compass would help sailors read a map and navigate the seas.
  • May 9, 1415

    Prince Henry

    Prince Henry
    Henry sets up his navigation school.
  • Jul 18, 1440


    The caravel made it possible for sailors and explorers to sail.
  • Aug 10, 1488

    Bartholomeu Diaz

    Bartholomeu Diaz
    Was the first sailor to go around the tip of Africa
  • Mar 16, 1497

    The Globe

    The Globe
    The globe was invented and allowed sailors to make new points on maps and longitudes and latitudes.
  • Jul 8, 1497

    Vasco Da Gama Sets Sail

    Vasco Da Gama Sets Sail
    He was to have made the sea voyage from Portugal to India that eventually made his son famous, but the elder da Gama died before completing the journey. Vasco da Gama sailed from Lisbon, Portugal, on July 8, 1497, heading East
  • Jul 17, 1497

    Vasco Da Gama

    Vasco Da Gama
    He attacks a Muslim ship and its creates hardships for him and his crew in the future.
  • The Dutch and British

    The Dutch and British went into Asia. They go to colonize places in Asia.
  • Dutch East India Company

    Dutch East India Company
    They created this trading company for trade with Asia.