Europe and Its Ambiguities

By clee.89
  • Period: to

    Europe From 1648 to 1948

  • Nationalism and the Rise of Feminism

    Nationalism and the Rise of Feminism
    The rise of nationalism was to lead to an unified and ordered society. This, however, was not the case. Rather the education process of nationalism allowed women to express their feelings and thoughts; this is evident through Mary Wollstonecraft's ``Vindication of the Rights of Women''.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The essay ``On the Principles of Revolutionary Government'' by Robspierre is his attempt to justify the mass murder that was occuring in France.
    This event shows the ambiguity in the process of revolution.
    The radicals, who wanted liberty and equality, became the ones that threatened liberty and equality in France.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar by William Clarkson Stanfield, 1836, exhibited at the Royal Academy illustrates the defeat of the French Navy against the British Royal Navy.Napoleon decides to declare the Continental System to create economical pressure to the British, but this fails.Both the Battle of Trafalgar and the Continental System were Napoleon's efforts to conquor Great Britain, but the intentions and the results does not meet the same ends, which shows the amibiguity in Europe.
  • Metternich and the Congress System

    Metternich and the Congress System
    Metternich, the representative of Austria, was an influential figure during the Congress of Vienna, and is know for establishing the Congress System. This system was determined to keep the status quo in Europe and stop revolutionaries from changing Europe.
    Unlike its intentions, the Congress System was shattered by the Greek Revolution, and this shows the ambiguity of Europe.
  • The Two Nations created by Industrialization

    The Two Nations created by Industrialization
    Sybil, or the Two Nations by Benjamin Disraeli shows the ambiguity that followed the industrial revolution. He claims that there are two different nations within a country that are fundamentally different.
    The process that was to make Europe prosperous rather created a division in the state between the poor and the rich.
    This shows both the ambiguity in process and the disagreement between intentions and results.
  • The Proclamation of the Abolition of Slavery in the French Colonies, 27 April 1848

    The Proclamation of the Abolition of Slavery in the French Colonies, 27 April 1848
    This painting by Francois-Auguste Biard --- 1849 in Versailles France --- shows the time that it took for European Enlightenment ideals to reach the colonies.
    The ideas of liberty and equality were limited among the White men in Europe, and this depicts the ambiguity of the groups of people that belonged to the Enlightenment ideals, and the ambiguity of process because it took a long time for the ideas to reach the colonies.