
Europe 1848-1871

  • Period: to

    Congress of Vienna

    The purpose of the Congress of Vienna was to divide the power of France and balance the powers of the immediate countries. As a result of this, many borders were changed and a lot of compromises had to be made. This action created a period of peace that lasted for decades.
  • Blood Line

    Blood Line
    In 1824 King Louis XVIII dies. Soon after, his younger brother, Charles X, inherits the throne. Charles then suspended legislature, restricted the press, and limited the right to vote in 1830 because he was a firm believer in absolutism.
  • "February Days" February Revolution

    "February Days" February Revolution
    In February 1848, the French government took steps to silence critics and prevent public meetings. The people of Paris revolted and overturned anything in their path on the streets. Alarms rang throughout Paris as the men and women along the barricades sang the revolutionary anthem "La Marseillaise".
  • "June days" Worker Revolution

    "June days" Worker Revolution
    By this time, the upper and middle class has control over the government. They then decided that the National workshops were a waste of money and shut them down which made the workers furious. The liberals turned this dispute violent and crushed the rebellion at the expense of about 1,500 lives.
  • Louis Napoleon III

    Louis Napoleon III
    After universal suffrage was achieved for the French, their first elected president was Louis Napoleon III. To win public approval he used a ballot system to allow the public a say in his decisions. Their first vote was supporting him in setting up a Second Empire.
  • German Attempt at Unification

    German Attempt at Unification
    Throughout 1848, German delegates were debating on a unification with Austria. Once they decided on it, they wanted Frederick William IV to wear the united crown. After he accepted the crown though, he backed out on the deal and a unification of the countries was delayed.
  • Italian Unity

    Italian Unity
    In 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi teamed up with monarchist Cavour to win control over Sicily, the Papal states, and eventually the Naples. Soon after, in a patriotic move, Garibaldi turned over Sicily and the Naples to Victor Emmanuel. Victor Emmanuel II was crowned king of Italy in 1861.
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    American Civil War

    The eleven southern states that left the Union in 1860 and 1861 and formed their own country (the Confederate States of America) wanted to protect the legality of slavery. Abraham Lincoln refused to recognize them as their own country and gradually re-unified the United States of America over the course of four years. The turning point of this war between the two countries was the Battle of Gettysburg when the North gained the advatage.
  • Otto von Bismarck (German Unification at last)

    Otto von Bismarck (German Unification at last)
    Otto von Bismarck unified Germany and Prussia in 1871. Before he took the crown though he was also a Prussian diplomat in Russia and France and was prime minister to King William I. He had a strong will and firmly believed in the needs of the state even though his ultimate goal was to gain more power.
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    American Inventions

    In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone making a huge leap in communication technology. In 1877, Thomas A. Edison invented the phonograph and Emile Berliner invented the microphone making the telephone and radio possible. Finally in 1878, Thomas A. Edison invents the light bulb.
  • Serbia Gains Independence

    Serbia Gains Independence
    From 1804-1817, the Serbs fought against the Ottoman forces. During this period, culture and Nationalism flourished giving the Serbian government more and more autonomy as time went on. An 1830 agreement with the Ottomans guaranteed their self-rule except other European countries did not accept it until 1878.