Eucharist throughout time

  • 40 BCE


    In the Book of Exodus God asked the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb. That night, when the angel of death struck down the first born of the families of Egypt, people with the blood of the lamb on their doorposts, were spared. They gathered with Moses to begin the long journey to freedom carrying unleavened bread along with the remains of the lamb they had sacrificed. This was the first Passover, a term that refers to the passing over of the Hebrew people from slavery to freedom
  • 40 BCE


    Symbols and actions have been used throughout the centuries in Christian liturgy and art to represent ideas contained in the sacraments. The bread and wine are symbols of nourishment. In many cultures, bread is the main support of life. Similarly, wine is the main drink used at meals in many cultures. This nourishment can be communal and is the nature of the Eucharist. Breaking of the bread, and taking the cup (the body and blood of Christ) and sharing it are both symbolic actions.
  • 40 BCE

    Original Traditions

    The First Passover
    1. One-year old lamb, perfect and without blemish, was sacrificed to God.
    2. By the blood of the lamb, the Israelites were freed.
    3. Unleavened bread and wine strengthened the Israelites as they journeyed to the promised land.
    4. The Passover meal is the memorial of God’s saving action on behalf of the Israelites.
    5. Through Moses, God gave the sraelites a covenant by which he made them his people.
    6. Moses told the Israelites to celebrate Passover annually.
  • 45


    This celebration is based on the belief that the Eucharist is a sacrifice making present the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and the real presence of Christ under the appearance of bread and wine. The Eucharist makes present again the sacrifice that Jesus made when he offered his life for humanity.
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    New traditions

    Jesus, the new lamb of God, offered himself as a sacrifice on the cross.
    By his sacrifice on the Cross, all who believe have the hope of passing through death with Christ into resurrection.
    Bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ, offered in sacrifice as food to strengthen the Christian in the journey of life.
    The Eucharist is the memorial of the saving love of God.
    Jesus told his disciples to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice in his memory.