Erikson's Psychosocial Theory Timeline

  • Birth

    Sarah was born in 1995, and at the age of 6 in 2001 she was adotoped. Prior to her adoption she was thrown from agency to agency with each one trying to find a home for the girl with pretty green eyes. This demostrates Erickson's therory of "Trust vs. Mistrust" due to the fact that little Sarah failed to receive consistent, perdictable and reliable care. In turn, she developed a sense of mistrust.
  • Class Presentation

    Sarah presents to the class her project on families. Sarah explains to the class that she was adopted into a family that is not of her own race. A boy from the class makes fun of her during her presentation. Sarah is embarrassed, and this is one of the memories that stick with Sarah for her life time. This represents the "Industry vs. Inferiority" because Sarah gets made fun of, she deveopes a sense of inferiority.
  • Loses Job

    Sarah had it all. Until a couple nights of binge drinking turns into multiple calls into work saying she is going to be late or not coming in at all for that matter, that she is fired. Sarah soon turns to daily drinking and drug use due to her depression. This signifies the "Identity vs. Role Confusion. Sarah no longer feels like herself and makes no effort to change that.
  • Cancer

    As Sarah is sitting in her hopsital bed after learning she has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer she begins to think about her life. She admits to mulitple regrets of some of the things she wishes she would have said more often, or done more, or done at all for that matter. The guilt Sarah is feeling signifies the "Ego Identity vs. Despair".